our son

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chapter eleven

The Suli's arrived two weeks ago, it was a lot to explain and quite a lot to not explain. No one knew how he was alive and i think that's what had Jake so skeptical, he wasn't sure it was really his son, he kept saying they might have done something, he kept coming up with crazy ideas but Neytiri calmed him down and that's what made him come around. Now he visits Neteyam and talks to him quite a lot.

They brought the Tsahik of their clan, Mo'at. She's quite nice, i talk to her mostly because she and my mother are the ones treating Teyam. She stays in the Mauri 24/7. Of course she leaves but it's rare and since i genuinely never leave his side, I see her quite a lot.

Lo'ak hasn't visited Teyam yet and i thought it was weird but Tsireya told me he's having some problems weighing on him. She won't tell me what but i won't nip at it—too much.

I turn my head as I hear a set of two footsteps walk up to the Mauri,"Hey Ao'nung." I nod to the two. Tuk smiles at me and Neytiri pats my shoulder before they sit down. "Anything?" Neytiri leaned over, kissing Teyam's head before looking back at me. "Yes and no. Mother and Mo'at say something is different, shifting? But they don't know what so it's progress I guess?" Neytiri smiles but Tuk—she giggles, straddling her big brother as her arms rest on his shoulders. "Oh how I can't wait to speak to you again big brother!" I laugh as she hugs him tightly but the moment is interrupted by the sound of a scream.

"What is that?!" I grab Tuk's hand and we trail behind Neytiri.

I hand Tuk over to Neytiri as I approach the crowd, "what is the meaning of this?" I speak loudly, getting the crowds attention. "They've been killed!" A women sobs, my expression changes from confused to pure fear. My heart races faster as I run through the crowd, and when I get to what they have all been making a fuss at my heart drops as anger and fear wash over me. The two kids I saw the other night, sneaking out were now stacked on each other, shot wounds in their heads, a fishing net holding them.

"Oh—oh no! Not my baby!" The mother of the son cries, i watch her drop to her knees as she tries to release her child. "What is this? Olo'eyktan! What has done this?!" She screams, her eyes looking into mine. My head tilts down as I walk over to her, cutting the nets and as soon as she gets the chance she drags her son into her lap and cradles him. "Oh my baby, my son! No-no—not my boy!" She lets out a heart wrenching scream, i get down to my knees and grab the girl. "Who's child?" I stand up and hold her fragile body in the air.

"No—that's my girl! Oh no that's my baby girl!" Suddenly a women and a man are in front of me, grabbing their child and letting out the same screams as the last mother. Here I was, standing between three grieving parents.

"What is going on—" my parents late to the tragedy stop mid sentence, their faces full of horror. "What happened!" Mother walks towards the scene, grabbing the net and looking to me with tear swelled eyes.

"It's them." Everyone turns around, Jake Sully and Neytiri walking towards the grieving parents, hand in hand.

"Brother!" Rey'o runs up to me and i grab her, holding her on my hip as Tuk comes along and hides behind me. Rey'o has never seen such brutality so she was crying but was Tuk looked angry, she's seen such and now the same has happened—but this time she looks—raged.

"They have stated that they want something." Jake yells. My Father approaches the pair, "what do they want?" a frown along his face. The crowd waits with anticipation, the only sound being the waves crashing along the shore and the grieving parents sobs filling the air of suspense. But finally he speaks.

"our son."

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