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chapter seventeen

Ao'nung and Tsireya sat in the corner of the Mauri, watching over everyone.

The ritual started about half an hour ago. Mo'at and Ronal We're chanting softly then chanting in a louder tone, almost like they were announcing something.

"Get Tuk some water." Ao'nung ordered Tsireya, he noticed her mouth had looked dry and she was breathing a little harder than the others.

"Here." Tsireya said as she handed Ao'nung the bowl of water. Ao'nung gave it to Tuk slowly, letting her sip it slowly enough for her reflexes.

Mo'at opened her eyes, looking around the room confused for a moment. "It is starting!" She said, slowly approaching the two Metkayina.

"Ao'nung. You are Neteyam's lover, correct?" Mo'at says, reaching her hand out to the teal boy.

"Uh-I—-nothing has been-" Ao'nung stuttered.

"Yes. He is." Tsireya answered for Ao'nung, pushing him up to take Mo'ats hand.

"For him to be able to wake up he needs a tether to bring him out. You are his lover so just the sound of your voice should strengthen him." Mo'at explained, lifting Neteyam's head and gesturing for Ao'nung to sit underneath the dark blue boys head.

"Tsireya you will pull Lo'ak out." Mo'at hastily brought Tsireya next to Lo'ak, interlocking their hands together.

"Ronal. It's time." Mo'at and Ronal gave one last look to one another before sending the family in to find the eldest of the litter.

To bring him home.

Neteyam's face grew more confused when a crowd of Sky People started to surrounding him, appearing from nowhere. "What in the..." he was gonna panic but no one seemed to see him. So he just looked around.

"Here they come!" People started to whisper before they made a pathway for—-Quaritch? And what seemed to be a deep, dark blue Navi women. One Neteyam recongnized quickly. They walked hand in hand, faces emotionless.

"Everyone quiet down and listen." Quaritch spoke, quick and calm.

The dark blue women took a deep breathe before speaking. "My people are not too far behind on two more boats. From what I can see we are just a few more days away from the Metkayina clans village." She spoke nearly the same way Quaritch did. Stern and calm.

Neteyam's eyes widened, fear, fear for what was to come. A war, another one. And what seems to be a bigger one than before. One they'll lose. "No, no, no!" Neteyam ran through the people, like a ghost, heading to the back. He nearly fell overboard but held himself to the edge. As the dark blue women said, two more boats of her people. Millions of them cramped into one boat. More than 2,000 people were on their way to the village, far more than 2,000.

Neytiri and Jake looked to their younger selves. Confusion at first. But Jake realized in no time it was a memory Neteyam went through.

"I trusted you, I trusted you!" Eighteen year old Neytiri cried, pushing Jake off.

"When you found out, mom?" Kiri asked, watching her parents fight. Which they rarely did now. "Yes, the day I found out he was gonna betray us." Neytiri sighed, holding her hand to her chest.

"Tie him up!" Eytukan yelled, disgust on his face when he looked to Jake.

Lo'ak could see the pain and discomfort on his face, watching the event that he lived once.

"The memories dissolving." Spider said. The kids look around in confusion but Neytiri and Jake grimaced at the thought of having to watch, the destruction.

"Kids listen closely."

Ao'nung and Tsireya didn't know how long it's been for the Sully's but for them it's been two hours so far and if Ao'nung had to admit his butt hurt from sitting so long but he was beginning to bear it, slightly.

"Mother, mother!" Tsireya shouted suddenly. It sent everyone into a panic. "What, what?" Ronal ran to Tsireya's side, confused. "He's crying, why's he crying!" Tsireya panicked, wiping away the boys tears.

"Oh my Eywa, Tsireya! You nearly sent me into an eel panic. Honey, he's going through a memory, it's okay, it's just the ritual." Ronal explained, rubbing Tsireya's back to sooth and calm her down.

Ao'nung almost laughed but he also felt bad for laughing so he kept it in and would laugh later, when everyone was safe and not on the verge of tears from the heavy feeling in the air.

"Ao'nung!" Roxto's voice was heard yelling in the distance, getting closer as he repeated yelling the name.

"What is it?" Ao'nung turned slightly, barely able to move with Neteyam in his lap.

"There's been news from our rider, they're coming." Roxto said, his breathe heavy.

"How many days!" Ao'nung lifted Neteyam's head and laid it down gently before rushing to Roxto. "A few days but that's not even the problem." Ao'nung couldn't get any good news apparently. "There's more than 2,000, maybe even more than 4,000!" Roxto panicked, eyes full of horror at the thought of what was to come.

"Ao'nung they're gonna slaughter more than our village—they're gonna slaughter our species."

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