Happy 2nd Anniversary of The Shrunken Thief!! 🎊🎉

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Author-kun's Note

Today's March 30 the day marks the celebration of Second anniversary of The Shrunken Thief!

I, Author-kun, would like to thank you very much for enjoying the story you like most and feel comfortable with this book despite my busy schedule to produce new chapters to release there.

I would like to appeal Readers and Viewers to vote more and more of this story. I'm sure this fanfic story would be great and comfortable with the viewers.

Let me share with you:

Viewers Read: 17K
Vote : 627

In any case you missed to read new chapters of Season 2-2nd Cours or missed any chapters you left off. Please visit here to read and vote the story 🤗❤️

Kaito Kid and Shinichi sends more hugs and kiss all of you 🤗❤️

Don't miss to read the new chapters will be release next month 🤗❤️

Thank you and See you next illusion! ❤️

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