His Q U E EN , ❤ | Princeton Love Story

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"When we first met I never felt something so strong You were like my lover And my best friend All wrapped into one With a ribbon on it And all of a sudden you went and left I didn't know how to follow . It's like a shock That spun me around And now my heart's dead I feel so empty and hollow . " I sung my little heart out , Hell i know The doctors prolly thought I was dying > of Boredom .

Rihannas Rehab is How i felt . Well , Actually its were iam NOW ! The very first lines I just Sung . It was Clear meaning to me , what was deep down inside of me .

Forcing the plastic spoon filled with Cookies n' Cream Ice Cream down my throat , i was so damn Bored in this Room - the fucking Patients here were beyond Urking , this one boy Really caught my Eye , he Calls him self John Doe . . But , Im the only Soul who knows his Reall name , something about him - gives me Chills The Way Jacob DID . He came to my Face not to long ago and Said he didnt want a Lying Girlfriend . It is what it is Guys ,

About that boy -

" Ms. Montique " my Therapist Gina said . She had to be about my Size or Taller . She was so nice . Too bad she works with these People who put me in here , Fuckers , "Yeah ," I was not paying that Woman any mind I was Just dumping out the Medicated Ice cream - these people think , They think ! I have a Problem no , Im smarter than Smart I freaking Graduated High school with a 4.0 . Come on Yo . " This ice cream had Meds in it .."

Throwing the last chunks out , Gina Sat two pink Pills and Water on my Table . Her face was Priceless - and the pills this Hoe is trying to Slip to me now , is Even worst than the first Case of medicine she Gave me ,

" take them now sweety Pie . " My chair scrapped across the Wood floor , I got up and Walked straight to the Lounge . All day i was waiting to see him .. There he was . Flawless Creamy Brown skin , Unlike some of Us including me He had to be a Special person , he was not Dressed up in Blue and Black .

"Alexis ." Gina Snapped at me , heading towards my Way , I ran over to Jacob , no . Not him he is Just another Boy who i dated in my head this one .. His name is Jacob Latimore . The name Rung numerous bells , but , ey , nothing attempted to pop up ,

Laughing crazily , I landed straight in His arms . Bottom placed firmly on his Lap , yup , were close like that ..

"Gin . Let her Be . Shes had enough , " Ginas face was unread at least she would leave me alone for a While ,

Jacob kissed my Cheek . Dead ass close to my mouth . . " Thanks Boo , " I gave Jacob a Kiss on his Cheek in return , for a Few minutes we just sat in Pure silence . Since not all the People could be let out of their rooms yet , the scheduled were pretty Decent if you say so , the teens had two hours of Fun .. Then the Adults let out , "Hey . Lets go to my Room Lex . I wanna show you something . "

Now . I know its forbidden to enter another person room - but i break the rules you guys know that from experience - like , when The Girls and I Jacked Deja up so bad , when we Went out to Dinner . The thought of her and Kimani Burntttt me the fuck up . Trader .

, me and Jacob stood infront of his Door . And it aint look shit similar to any others in here , told yall This Nigga has special Treatment .

I walked in his room , Bam ! Ten times bigger , King sized bed , Damn , I took a Seat , on his Brown colored desk , bull had to be Hardworker cos ' he had Clatters of lined papers sprawled out , i was about to touch one , But he called my Name , Damn . I wanna know what they fucking say !

"Alexis . C'mere ." Jacob said . Pointing to his Lap . Obeying Jake , I had Placed my Small body on his Bed - the Plushness of the Matress made me think about When Princeton and I had Sex for the First time . Clear images of us Breathing , our Eyes Flickering back at eachother as He Kissed Up and down my Body , not only was it Pain that trailed along with it , But - it was all worth the wait also , Pain ,

His Q U E E N  ❤ |  Princeton Love Story .Where stories live. Discover now