His Q U E E N , ❤ | Princeton Love Story .

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Alexis POV

, right now I was out , at a Bar , getting drunker than drunk , i feel like a Slut . Why ? Cause i probaly made out with about ten boys now . Who arent Jacob . Oh , oh ! I fucking forgot - he , he broke up with me Earlier this Morning . All because my Ding dong ass had forgotten to Spill the important news .

. I gulped down the Last shot i vowed to the bar tender it was my last Drink . I was done , it wasnt quite Healthy to be drinking t One in the Afternoon Guys . Walking down the street people gave me Nasty stares . They all knew Jakey , Was my Boyfriend . But , the Heart shocking Truth about not being together shall Set free soon . Any time now . Something that Truly tipped me off and Made me go out and Get drunk until i fall , was Jacob told me , he no longer wanted a Girl , who kept secrets .

He needs someone Reall . Basically , that Ass called me Fake & a Liar . Come on People , wouldnt that hurt your Feeling Too ? Please , say Yes . "Helllo . " i said to a Bum , on the street he smiled with a mouthful of Missing teeth . "Ew , mister .. All your fucking teeth are rotting . Or Gone ."

Oh , kay Wrong choice in words . Cant blame me because im Drunker than a Skunk . The old bum started running after me , each corner i turned he sure as hell was a Fast runner , making a Sharp left turn onto my Block . I stopped and Could not believe what my mother Fucking eyes were Watching .. Shoes scuffed behind me . Old Guy had stopped chasing me . He , even tuned in to watch . .

"NO ! Get off of my Shit . What the fuck are you two Doing ." Alcohol in my System wasnt a Good look . Especially when I was mad .

"Alexis . We are kicking you out baby ." Mark said With a Sad look on his face . Uuuuurgh !

"You fucking ass Hole . You picked the wrong damn day , to mess with me . Did you not freaking notice my Life has Fallen apart in the last three Day . I - i thought you people were my damn family . Sonia . Oh ! Oh ! You think that your sooo fucking tough oh look at meeee . Im so ni uhhhh . Im engadged to the worlds richest man . No , bitch , he is a Crackhead . He sells drugs for a Living . Mark , bet you didnt know this but - but sonia had sex with Dave , yup ! Your Fifteen year old brother . " I jumped on sonia . And pounded in on her face , it was the L A S T , nerve i had .

Sonia . Laid out on the floor an Croud of teens and Young adults gathered around to see me a Drunk buffoon , Teen beat the shit outta a Adult . Whom talked and Did shit behind eav and Everyone of our back . . Reaching for my Purple lamp that was sat in the middle of the street . But my Body broke down , tears flowed and Flowed down my Cheeks . Faint camera flashes , blinded me . I was Getting weaker and weaker . Something pointy , Pierced my skin .

"Thats it boys . Take her to neiman Rehabilitation center ." All the words i could remember .


Jacobs POV .

, i was watching Tv , pathetically cuddling with my pillow like a Little bitch yo . I needed Alexis . But , i made the wrong choice of breaking up with her . Zonnique , had Delayed work a Few times with the OMG Girlz to Help me out and all . Shit , was not helping me .

. Flicking to the Gossip channel . Lexis face popped up . The host of this cheesy show , Broadcasted a Video of her Clearly , Drunk ! And fighting sonia . Oh , God ! Nor was ot hard to hear but , she was screaming Jacob .

, let along the short clip shut off after a Group of men came and Injected her with a type of needle . Alexis is outt of control . Running out my house . I sped all the way to rays house , he was her bestfriend and Most likely when she gets in trouble shed call him .

"Ray .. " i exclaimed outta breath . He was in the kitchen talking to Liyah bro what the fuck ?

" did - alexis call you . ? " ray nodded his head ,

" Prince they but Lexi in a Rehab . She was all Alcoholed up . And they found small bits of weed in her system . Dont ask me how .."

" but . I think Craig , and Try went to visit her they say you would act like a Bitch . If you saw her - anyways , her Her personal therapy Doctor says she will be there for a Year or Two ! Depending on Early behaviors . " i just couldnt make a Move . Do you guys just ever feel like your world is coming to an end ?

, or like you just lost the Fight ? Ive got both .


Ok . Im so sorry about this short stop . But i have a family emergency , and i will post sometime tonight when ever stick around . Thanks . 💙 Evana .

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