'It Was Bothering Me'

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This wasn't necessarily the most romantic of restaurants Piper had ever been to, but she had too little energy in order to complain.

She could smell burnt toast, and a whiff of something sweet in the air.....frowning to herself, Piper sat down beside Larry, who was already busy studying the menu. Opposite them was Polly and her new boyfriend, Pete. Although they had just met, Piper had to admit he wasn't such a bad guy, which was a huge deal considering she was incredibly picky when it came to Polly's boyfriends. After all, she liked to make sure her best friend was with someone who would make her happy.

For a couple of minutes, the two couples were quiet. Piper drummed her fingers against the table, scanning the area. On a table not too far away were a group of men, who must either be stupid or half deaf considering they were shouting at each other instead of talking normally. Piper grimaced. Perfect. That was exactly what she needed tonight. Big, loud men whose egos were so large they could barely fit into the damn restaurant. Larry seemed to notice Piper's lack of enthusiasm.

'We can move,' he suggested, glancing at Pete for confirmation.

However, Piper just shook her head. 'No, it's okay.' She smiled shortly at him, but she knew it looked forced. In an attempt to distract herself, she faced Polly. 'So, I heard from Doctor Healy that some of us are going to be assigned with "special" patients with "special" diseases so we can treat them with "special" medicine.'

'Your sarcasm could cut brick,' Polly replied. 'It's true, though. He hasn't actually specified what these "special" diseases are, but I'm excited.'

Larry cleared his throat, catching the girls' attention. 'Can we, maybe, not talk about medicine when you're both off duty?' The way he said it, almost timidly, sent a wave of guilt through Piper. She had to admit, he had a point; it was unfair of her to be discussing work when this was the first time in ages they were able to spend time together. 'Pete, what is it you do for a career?'

As well as guilt, Piper also felt boredom. When Pete admitted he was a full-time professional writer, both he and Larry were lost in conversation about the brilliance of words and forming sentences with said words. Piper looked at her best friend, and gave her a look Polly only registered as "Do I have to be here?". After receiving a stern glare from her, Piper straightened in her seat and pretended to act interested. She watched Larry, propped on one elbow, and had to admit he was a bit of a fucking hypocrite.

That thought nearly made her flinch. She had never thought badly about her soon-to-be husband. She liked Larry because he was passionate about his work, even if he never got any. And she liked Larry because he always welcomed her home with food, and really nice food at that. He made her laugh and smile, and they watched Mad Men together in bed when she had her days off. It was all good, it was pleasant and nice; she easily fell for him because he accepted her job and how demanding it was. And he always made up for the time they lost because of Piper's internship.

Piper jumped in her seat when one of the loud men from behind roared with laughter. Polly snorted. 'I think they're having a competition over who has the biggest dick.'

'That's going to be tricky, seeing as they don't have one.'

'Oh, Piper, medicine has made you so bitter.'

'And yet, so honest.'

'And humble, too!'

The blonde smiled at her, and turned to Polly's boyfriend. 'Pete, if there's one thing you should know about Polly, it's that she is a sarcastic asshole.'

Polly gaped, 'Hey, says you. Larry, if there's one thing you should know about Piper, it's that she's an absolute dick. Oh wait, I guess you already know that....'

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