'Mr Bloom Knows Doctor Chapman'

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The wonderful scent of coffee awoke Piper from her slumber. In approximately two hours, she had to go back to work, but she wasn't in any rush. Alex's bed was big and comfy and warm, plus it smelt like her, and Piper liked that. She held a pillow up to her face when Alex sat on the edge of the bed, pouring a little milk into Piper's coffee, before handing it to her. Truthfully, Piper hadn't had coffee whilst naked before, but, hey, life was too short to constantly wear clothes all the time.

She wouldn't mind stripping away the dressing gown Alex had donned, but she restrained herself. Leaning against the bed frame, she sipped at her coffee, drummed her fingers around the rim. Larry hadn't send her any texts, which she found a little peculiar. She was hoping he might remain in communication with her, but he was probably busy. Probably. Well, she would find out soon. Alex slid off the bed and placed her coffee mug to the side, before shuffling under the sheets.

Immediately Piper snuggled close to her, making Alex chuckle. Maybe Piper should mention that she got pretty affectionate when in the mood. Alex didn't push her away. An arm came around Piper's waist, and the blonde happily enjoyed the rest of her coffee. At one point, she found herself lost in thought about what had become of her and Alex. Were they a couple now? Piper lowered the coffee mug, considered whether Juliet was still involved with Alex, or if that was over.

A shudder ran through Piper when Alex's fingers gently ran through her hair. Yes, she could live with this. This was perfect. If she wasn't having an affair, and if Alex wasn't a patient, this would be perfect. But it wasn't perfect, it was far from perfect, and Piper needed to face the truth. Reluctantly, she sat upright and turned to look at Alex.

'Can I talk to you?'

'Yeah,' Alex snorted.

'Don't you think it's weird that Larry hasn't contacted me? I mean, he always does normally.' Alex sighed, rolling her eyes, 'I know I go on about him, but... I'm just feeling paranoid that you know.'

'That's exactly it, Piper. You're feeling paranoid.' Alex shrugged. 'There's no way he knows what we are doing. Anyway, I don't think you're allowed to feel indignant right now.' She let that statement hang. Piper slumped her shoulders becuase Alex was right. Of course she was, but the whole lack of communication still bothered her.

'I think it was wrong of me to start this affair, but you pushed it. You came to me remember.'

'Whoa, what's with the blaming?' Alex frowned. 'We both agreed to have this and, for the record, you're the one who took me to the on-call room.' Alex sighed, and softened her voice. 'Do not project your conscience onto me. Especially when I'm barely awake,' she muttered, raising the mug to her lips. 'I get it: you feel guilty. But you're still continuing this. So, what do you want, Piper?'

She didn't know. Piper hadn't a clue what she wanted, and she wished Alex hadn't asked her that.

'I want you,' she said, helplessly. 'But I don't want to hurt Larry, either.'

'Okay. I'd like to stress that this is really fucking stupid. Don't you think you're going to hurt him more by keeping this all a secret?'

Piper raised a brow. 'So, you want us to be open about what we have then?'

'No.' Alex was either bored, tired, or impatient. Probably all three. 'I want what's best for you, but sitting here whining about everything isn't going to help anyone. If you're really that fucking paranoid about your boyfriend, then call him. I haven't forced you into anything, though, so don't twist all of this to make yourself feel better kid.'

'I know. Sorry. I just...I'm just worried about him.'

There was a short wait until Alex responded. 'Piper, I'm happy to be with you. Really. I am. But, I don't want Larry too.'

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