'Who Are You Alex Vause?'

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Despite the thrill, despite the freedom and despite the fact this was the first time in weeks since she was able to spend quality time with her fiancé, Piper was dreading it.

When she woke up on her day off, Piper wasn't prepared. It was terrible and even a little embarrassing how she wanted to return to the hospital. There was work to do: paperwork, her patients, and Piper would cope better with her studying if she was in the staffroom, not in her own home. Piper had become that intern: addicted to her career. Obsessed. The last thing she wanted to become was that intern; the intern no one liked.

Larry had gone out to buy coffee, so Piper decided to wait on the couch in their lounge, open up her textbooks and read in her pyjamas. It was pleasant to wake up at eight in the morning and not have to go anywhere, even if her hands were itching to fiddle with an IV drip. The sun had just started poking through the clouds, and she hoped it would be a relatively warm day. Even though she still felt dread, she wasn't quite sure why, Piper was also excited. Hopefully Larry had stuck to his promise, and they would be heading off to a hotel somewhere, with a swimming pool and great food.

The front door opened, closed. Piper sighed happily when she smelt caffeine, and outstretched her hands grabbing thin air when Larry approached, two coffees in hand. Smirking, he passed Piper hers, before sitting down next to her. Happily, Piper took a sip and groaned in pleasure. 'This beats the cheap crap at the hospital. Wow.' She leaned her head against his shoulder, trailing her finger over the rim of the container. Larry chuckled slightly and turned to his own drink, and they sipped in silence for a short while.

Yet, after some time, the anticipation was too much. Piper raised herself to look her fiancé in the eye. When he smiled, a familiar glimmer in his eyes, Piper felt her heart race. Yes, he had remembered. 'How does a day on the road sound to you? I've booked a hotel. Where we're going is a secret. A secret you'll love, though.' Silence. 'Aw man. I'm so glad you're not working today,' he whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close.

'Me too,' Piper sighed at her lie, resting her head on his chest. She sipped her coffee, licked her lips, and frowned. 'I'm sorry, Larry. For not being around, but you know I can't help it.'

Larry shrugged. 'You're a good doctor. Your patients need you. I get it, don't worry.'

Even though she felt better from his words, she wasn't all convinced. Glancing up at him, she smiled crookedly, and he smiled back. 'I cured a patient yesterday.'

'That's awesome,' Larry's smile broadened, and he meant it. 'What did he have?'

'She. And she had TB.'

Unfortunately, due to patient and doctor confidentiality, Piper couldn't reveal much. In fact, she had already said more than she needed to so she quickly shut up. Plus, talking about Alex wasn't how she wanted to spend her day. Alex was gone. She was better, and, hopefully, she and Piper would never meet again. Even if she was charming, nice to be around, and a snarky, gorgeous lesbian, Alex was trouble. And Piper avoided trouble at all costs. Avoiding trouble was what made her such a successful woman, with such a good life, and a stable job. More or less. As long as Alex was far away, then everything would be fine.

But Alex was gone, so Piper had to stop thinking about her. She didn't matter. She was irrelevant to her life now; just a patient she got a little close with. Piper had learnt her lesson: remain distant to her patients. As distant as she could. Patients looked to her for comfort and reassurance, not the other way around. Piper hoped the kiss wouldn't be revealed. If it did, then Doctor Healy would give her a beating. Even though it happened two days ago, Piper still felt guilt, and she was still wondering if she should tell Larry.

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