'Locked Away Behind Closed Doors'

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Lately, Alex had struggled not to think about a certain doctor. It was frustrating; incredibly distracting when she was trying to work, and she wasn't exactly earning any praises from her boss. The sudden visit to the hospital had not only interrupted a relatively important meeting, but had caused delays in deliveries, some withheld, others a complete failure altogether. Alex's reputation within the drug ring was finally starting to lose its impact, and she needed to pick up her game, and fast.

So she worked. Constantly. Kept her mobile on at night in case any important messages came through (which gave her about two hours of sleep), laptop always switched on alerting her of emails, and booking several plane tickets for future trips. Once she had her schedule organised again, things were easier to manage, and after a month, Alex was much more in control. Her health hadn't disturbed her business. The pacemaker was doing its job, and it was a relief.

However, she had gone through a very exhausting month, and she could feel the strain. Even though her pacemaker was working, she still didn't feel entirely stable. Maybe this was nerves, or her being pessimistic, but she did wonder how long the pacemaker would last for. Doctor Chapman seemed fairly confident things would turn out smoothly after the surgery, but Doctor Chapman was a sweet intern, who tended to let her emotions get in the way. But, she was smart. Very smart. No doubt one of the best interns within the hospital, so Alex should believe her. Alex should trust Doctor Chapman's word, right?

The last text she received from her was nearly a fortnight ago. Unfortunately, Alex had neglected to remain in contact with her doctor, but she had been so busy with work, so obsessed. It had always been like this, Alex always put her work before everything else. She had to.

Grabbing her mobile, Alex sat on the edge of her bed and briefly skimmed through her texts, before finding Piper's. It was a simple question. How are you? Piper probably wanted to know if Alex was taking her medication for the TB, if she was looking after herself properly. Or she may just be asking out of curiosity, like a friend would. Or whatever she was. Alex stared at the text, and she wanted to reply. She wanted to pursue what they had, but she was hesitating, mainly because of the fiancé.

Did he even exist in Piper's life anymore? After all, Piper made it perfectly clear she wanted to be with Alex. Didn't she? God, that woman was confusing. But she had been clear. "I want to taste what you taste like." Alex felt a shiver shoot up her spine, remembering those soft, yet incredibly seductive words whispered into her ear. Damn it. Damn it, she was confusing. Alex looked back at the text. The only reason she had this pacemaker was because of Piper, the only reason she was alive was because of Piper.

It occurred to Alex her only reason to live was Piper. She was suddenly a necessity. Although Alex didn't need her constantly by her side, she still needed to lean on her every now and again. Piper had begged Alex to accept the pacemaker, pleaded with her. And Alex gave in, for her. For Piper, she had the pacemaker, she stayed. The only reason she was still breathing was because of her doctor, and she shuddered, because it had taken so long to finally hit home. And she could barely come to terms with it all.

Take her.

Alex typed out a reply, confirming she was fine, before inquiring whether Piper was okay herself. She didn't expect a response so soon. She received it while she was sending out several emails.

*Fine. Life's hectic right now. Getting married next Friday.*


Alex frowned, and sent her a reply: *Why?*

Several minutes passed. Alex soon gave up waiting and returned to work. She was caught by surprise when her mobile started ringing. The caller was Piper. Uncertain, Alex answered, 'Hey.'

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