'Did You Find Your Other Shoe?'

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Later, Piper would regret her decision.

It was too dark for her to know where she was going. She didn't feel entirely safe so stuck near Alex, her arm bumping into hers as she looked at who was accompanying them. One member was Nicky Nichols, who seemed more amused than anything to witness Piper outside the hospital. The other was a woman of similar age, brown hair, with nicer manners and a kind smile. 'Do you go to a lot of nightclubs then, Piper?' She asked, and Piper couldn't quite pinpoint her accent.

'I went to a few at University,' Piper replied. She heard Nicky snort.

'You seem clever, though. I wouldn't think you'd have the time considering you would be working so much.'

'She needed a breather every now and again, Morello,' Nicky responded, grinning crookedly. The crazy-haired woman walked a few paces in front of Piper, and turned around, walking backwards. 'Now, best if you stick close to Vause or one of us. This place can get pretty packed out.'

The enthusiasm Piper held vanished immediately. She had never been fond of crowds.

'I'll keep an eye on her,' Alex said beside Piper.

'With your good eye,' Nicky taunted, gesturing to her left iris. 'Did you know Vause has a lazy eye? Practically blind.'

'Kind of blind.'

Nicky looked Piper up and down, her grin never faltering. 'Nice dress, Blondie.'

'Nice hair frizzy.' Piper replied.

Morello smirked at that. Nicky raised her brows. 'Sweet on the outside, sharp on the inside.' She glanced up at Alex. 'You're a magnet to those kind of chicks Vause.'

'Ignore that,' Alex mumbled.

'Guess she's not all bad to look at, though.' Chuckled Nicky.

'You can ignore that too.' Sighed Alex.

Piper complied, but despite the slightly uncomfortable conversation, she had to admit she was enjoying herself. Never would she have hung around with girls like these before, but, tonight, she was curious. She wouldn't have thought that at twenty-four she would be visiting a nightclub with a former patient and two strangers. Of course, she was also a little nervous. If Alex wanted, she could ditch Piper on the spot, so Piper had to be careful, watch her back. God knows what would happen to her.

As they were nearing the nightclub, Piper was ambushed by two men, around her age. When one of them got close, she could smell alcohol off his breath and she nearly gagged at the thought. The other wolf-whistled, and it was clearly aimed at Piper, who had, unfortunately, dealt with behaviour like this before. 'Hey, babe, where you headed? My flat?' One of the men asked, his hand far too close to her chest for Piper's liking.

Before she could tell him to go fuck himself, she felt someone take her hand and gently, but without enough force, yank her back out of the man's reach. 'Nowhere near where you're going, shit dick.' Piper stared, and wasn't sure what amused her more. The fact that Alex had jusg stepped in to protect her, or her rather predictable insulting name. However, it worked. The creep who tried to grab Piper was a couple of inches shorter, and knew better than to get into a fight with a woman, especially one at 5"10 who would happily make a mess of his face if he antagonised her. He swore at her, grabbed his friend by the arm, and stormed away in a huff.

'Shit dick,' Nicky chortled, glancing at Piper. 'Do you like dick then, Blondie?'

Piper's smile fell. She looked at her in astonishment.

'Well, you are engaged to a guy, plus your name is, urm, Piper.'

This woman was something else. Piper didn't offer a response, and felt relief when Nicky lost interest in her and took Morello by the hand and proceeded into the nightclub together. From where Piper stood, she could tell it was packed. A mix of sober and drunk people flocked the entrance, far too interested in their company to notice anyone exiting or leaving. She turned to Alex, and, for a moment, was worried she was still angry becuase of the men. However, in the dim light she could see the navy-haired woman smiling crookedly as they walked in.

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