'Not A Great Time To Say "Hi"?'

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'Doctor Chapman was wondering if the patient Alex Vause could be removed from her service. If it's all right with you, sir, I'll happily take on the patient instead. I've already read her medical history, and her current conditions. She was admitted more than three hours ago due to congestive heart failure, after suffering an attack in Spain. High blood pressure. Apparently she's suffered from it since she was fifteen. Her heart was stabilised by the time she was transferred here. Anyway, may I treat her, sir?'
Polly shuffled her feet, knowing Piper didn't actually fully agree to this.

'I don't see why not. Why doesn't Doctor Chapman wish to treat the patient, though? Has their been a personality clash between them Polly?'

'Not exactly. Doctor Chapman and I want to switch patients, urm, to treat more of a variety. I haven't got any heart-related patients, sir, and Doctor Chapman doesn't have any patients in paediatrics, whereas I do. So it makes sense I think.' Looking up slightly she knows she has got away with it, she's just got to tell Piper and see how that works out.

'Fine. I'm a little disappointed in Chapman. Alex Vause was her patient before. They seemed to be getting along. You interns are obsessive, though. Not much I can say to change your minds. You treat Alex, and keep me updated on how she's progressing. She's a regular visitor as you've probably gathered. So make sure she's comfortable all the time.'

'Yes, sir.' In other words, Alex had a lot of money. And if Alex had a lot of money, she could afford luxury, and all the sad attendings here were onto the money. 'Thank you sir, from me and Doctor Chapman.'

Polly turned away, clutching Alex's chart to her chest. She was a little nervous. Was it right of her to keep Alex a secret? Or, should she tell Piper Alex had been admitted recently? How was that fair? Piper had to deal with enough crap Alex had thrown her way. All Polly needed to do was keep Alex hidden, treat her, and then get her out of the hospital. The sooner she was gone, the better. Briefly, she read through Alex's chart, and instantly started thinking through a speedy, efficient medical procedure to remove Alex in good time, but she didn't have a clue.

Turning the corner, she made her way over to Piper who was on her way to visit a patient. Polly passed her a chart. 'Here. I've got so much on my plate right now. How about you treat Josh? He's a nice kid, bit rude, but nice all around.' Piper was astonished. Rarely did interns offer up a patient, so Polly quickly added, 'Better cheer you up.' When Piper smiled, Polly couldn't help but feel a tad guilty, but she knew she was doing the right thing. 'Oh, by the way, I accidentally took your pager,' she passed it over.

'I knew this wasn't mine,' Piper said, returning Polly's. 'Hey, you all right? You look a lot tenser than usual Pol.'

Catching her eye, Polly forced a smile. 'No. No, I'm absolutely fine.' And she was, or she was going to be. In the end, this was going to work out all right. It always did. Brushing past her, Polly inhaled deeply in an attempt to calm her nerves. She was going to keep Alex hidden. But if Piper found out, she would be dead.


Nothing was the same.

The moment Alex woke up, she knew nothing would be the same. Exhausted, nauseous. It was hard to open her eyes. Beep, beep, beep. Heart monitor. Constant. Repetitive. Wires attached to her chest, a nasal cannula wrapped around her head. She closed her eyes. Listened to the monitor. It didn't stop. Didn't quicken. Didn't slow. It was always the same. She was breathing, alive thank god. Alex moved slightly, registered the strong stench of medicine, rubber; a hospital. Nothing came back to her. Not one memory, but she had a horrible feeling Kubra was going to bite her head off for this sooner or later.

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