'Friends? Just Maybe'

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'Hungry much?'

After finishing her plate of breakfast (which consisted of bacon, eggs and baked beans with some BBQ sauce on the side.), Piper sighed in content, slipping down her seat. The last time she ate something so good was months ago. It was moments like these when she really appreciated Larry for sticking around. Just to emphasise how satisfied she was, Piper rubbed her tummy, smiling wide. 'If you make breakfast for me like that every morning, I'll honestly just quit my job.'

Placing aside his knife, Larry smirked. 'As much as I want you to be here more, I'm not going to let you walk out on your internship. Especially when you're doing so well.' The compliment made Piper's heart flutter slightly, but she wasn't sure if she was flattered or nervous. It cost a lot in order to do well as an intern, and, currently, Piper wasn't sure what she had cost. For the moment, nothing important, considering Larry was still happy to eat breakfast with her.

'By the way,' she dropped her gaze momentarily, 'I have a day off soon.'

'I know. How could I forget?' Larry was already grinning, eating one more fork full of baked beans. 'Got any plans?'

'Do we?' Piper rose in her seat, hoping Larry might have some sort of surprise in mind. She loved surprises, and Larry was particularly good at them. Her smile broadened when she recognised a certain glint in his eyes. Yes, he had plans, for sure.

Larry tapped his nose. 'Who knows?'

It was a good enough answer. Piper instantly started guessing, 'Are we going to a fancy restaurant?'

'Maybe. And maybe much more.'

'Oh, how about a hotel? Wait! A hotel that has a swimming pool. But it has a swimming pool, inside a swimming pool. With our own maid. Who gives us shit when we want it. And a bed. I'd like a bed, but a big one, so I'm not squashed up against the wall.'

'That was once. Plus, we had been driving for hours and needed to rest somewhere. It wasn't my fault the hotel was one-star.' Larry raised a brow. 'Anyway, you weren't complaining at the time.'

'I'll be complaining this time, though.' They shared a smile. 'You promise you really do have plans? You're not just making this up as you go along, right?'

'I thought those were the best trips.'

'Perhaps. But no one-star hotels, okay?'


'And I want breakfast in bed, too.'

Larry snorted. 'I'll see that can be arranged as well, Your Highness' The man was cut off when Piper's pager went off again. 'Fucking Hell, do they ever leave you alone?'

'Sorry,' Piper winced, checking her pager. When she read the small alert, Piper widened her eyes and shot to her feet. Larry followed suit, frowning at her as Piper hurried to grab her coat.

'Hey, wait! What's going on?'

'It's Alex!' Piper said, rushing for the door.

Larry stopped. 'Who?'

'Alex. My patient.' Before Larry could ask anymore, Piper was gone.


The moment she entered the hospital, a fellow intern passed her, scowling. 'Where the fuck have you been? Doctor Healy's gonna brain you.' Cursing loudly, Piper barged past him, heart in her mouth. She shouldn't be scolded. It wasn't technically her shift yet, and she had got here as fast as she could. But the fucking traffic was horrific this morning. Her pager went off again, but she didn't pick it up. She was already at Alex's ward.

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