'Before I Even Click Send'

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Sprawled across the couch, Polly chewed idly on a snack while she watched the television. Nothing interesting was on, but she had a three hour break, so time to kill. Studying was out of the question. Today had burned her out to the core. Patient after patient, the next demanded her assistance. This was the first time in eight hours she was able to sit down. As much as she wanted to be a doctor, she did hate the job sometimes. Or, most of the time, especially when certain best friends were in a mood with her.

A doctor leaned over and stuffed his hand into her packet of sweets. Polly exclaimed, and jumped to her feet, glaring at him. Sniggering, the doctor returned to his work. 'Fucking prick,' she muttered, having a mouthful of chocolates before turning around and colliding straight into Piper. Polly raised a brow at her, and continued to munch. She honestly had nothing to say.

'Can we talk?'

Polly shrugged. 'I don't know. Can we Piper?'

'Stop acting like an asshole Polly.'

'Okay. Seriously? Seriously? Yeah, seriously.' She had a few more sweets. Piper glanced at the bag. 'No, you cannot have one. Only good friends share my sweets.'

Piper gave her a look. 'I'm your only friend, Polly.'

'Fuck off slut.'

'Look, I hate falling out with you. Can we talk? Please?' After a little hesitance, Polly sighed and nodded. She slumped down onto the couch and Piper came to join her. Piper straightened, and Polly was expecting a speech, a ramble, but Piper was silent for a long amount of time. Polly frowned; she was certain Piper was looking a little guilty. 'I understand why you were hiding Alex from me.'

'Oh,' Polly scoffed. 'Got a funny way of showing it, P.'

'I was just upset because you're my best friend, and I thought you'd tell me that she was here again.'

'I was protecting you.'

'She's stuck with a pacemaker, and has had a non-existent immune system since she was a kid. Not exactly the most frightening type am I right?'

'Oh, you forgot to mention she's lesbian. Danger, danger.'

Piper cleared her throat. 'Yeah, about that Polly.'

'So, what happened, Piper? You and her best buddies again now?' She playfully hit her shoulder. 'God, I hate my job. Here I was, thinking I could get that gay shithead out of the hospital before you saw her. Turns out I couldn't even do that in two days. You know what? I'm so fucking obsessed with my other patients, I might not have considered the pacemaker in the first place.' She sighed, and softened her expression. 'It's that bad P?'

A nod. 'Yeah, pretty bad. She's stable, though, and should be out of here by tomorrow I think.'

'And what about you? You gonna follow her? Like her lost puppy?'

'What's the matter with you?'


'Are you jealous?'

'Oh, fuck off. She's old, Piper. I'm sure she's a lovely person, with lots of money to spend on you, and I'm sure she's very talented in the tongue area, but I don't trust her one bit.'

'You think I want a relationship with her?'

Polly shrugged, curled her lips. 'Do you? Because you should have heard yourself when you took her chart. Going on about how she's yours and all that shit.'

'She is mine.' Piper quickly added, 'My patient. She's not my girl. Polly, I'm a doctor. The first thing we were told was to never form a close attachment with the patient. I don't intend to sleep with Alex, or anything like that. It was a one-night stand.'

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