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And suddenly I opened my eyes damn I tried to touch my cheeks but didn't feel any pair of hand then I looked around and realised that was a fucking scary dream. It's 3 :35 right now Goshh what if he knows that I lied to him let me check my phone fuck he left me on seen what should I do now I am sweating as hell I   gulped a glass of cold water in one go to calm myself . I think I should tell him truth and hopefully he will understand damnn I am fucked up okay Y/N you can do this hmm he is online right now so let's go
To Park Jimin 🐥:
Hey Jimin I'm extremely sorry but i lied to you I didn't sprained my ankle but something really important caught me
From Park Jimin 🐥:
hehe I know that you were lying but now would you like to explain Kim Y/N.
To Park Jimin 🐥:
It's  a humble request Mr Park please don't use my full name and yes I have to babysit my friend's dog and he would come back till 5 in evening sooo .
From Park Jimin 🐥:
Okay I will not use that and you have to come at my house to collect some details about my past cases and you ok u can bring your dog too I actually love dogs .
To Park Jimin 🐥:
Well they are 2 dogs and I will be there till 10 is this alright ?
From Park Jimin 🐥:
Great and that's fine . Go and sleep it's not good to be awake till this time okay.
To Park Jimin 🐥:
Ohh today I discovered  your new  and rare 
talent .
From Park Jimin 🐥:
Ohh please enlighten me .
To Park Jimin 🐥:
That you can talk or message people when you are sleeping great . Anyways Good night .
From Park Jimin 🐥: Good night see you tomorrow
And finally I again drifted to dreamland.

3 of us are ready and it's 9 :25 right now and I have to buy some chocolate flavoured mochi for Jimin as an apology.  It's 9 : 57 and I am infront of his house good job Y/N.
Security Guard:  Yes ma'am  how ca  I help you and your name please ?
Y/N:  Y/N I am Mr Park's lawyer.
Security Guard:  Welcome ma'am
I just smiled and walked inside with both of them
Jimin:  OMG they are so adorable can I touch them Y/N please please
Y/N:   Good morning to you too Mr Park and You can touch them .
Jimin:  Morning morning you know I always wanted a dog but never got a chance so can you introduce them
Y/N:  This Pit bull named Ddsuon he is mine and thus tiny fluffy ball pomeranian  is Yeontan he is my friend's dog .
Jimin:  Damn they both are adorable if you don't mind can I play will them for some time we can do our work afterwards please
Y/N:  The great Park Jimin is using please in every line impressive you can but don't let Yeontan exhaust himself he has some respiratory problem so please keep this thing in  mind .
Jimin:  oh thank you and come on let's go to garden .
And stared moving with him
After playing for 15 or 20 minutes Tanniee came to me and rested himself on my lap I even clicked some pictures ofcourse with permission and will send them to Tae I know how much he adores Jimin . After some time Jimin is covered in sweat and fuck his shirt is stick to his body showing his curves gawwwdd I have to focus on my work but like this I can't.
Jimin:  Give me  10 minute and then we will start our work okay till then you can wait at drawing room hmm
Y/N:  Alright
His househelp  came and served me orange juice which I accept and also asked for water for both devils
Now we both are in his study and  I am checking his previous case and other legal documents and he has pretty clean and clear history not bad .
Jimin:  Y/N I wanted to ask something if you don't mind
I nodded my head while I am still reading his some clients details
Jimin:  Please don't get mad at me
Again I hummed
Jimin:  Since childhood you were different I meant you love to sit at corners and you even don't talk with other students remember after you beat you professor and after 2 days I approached you and asked you to teach me some basic fighting skill but you just give me a look without many expressions and stared into my eyes and said "there is no need for you  to learn how to fight " and then you walked away . Why you behaved like this
Y/N:  Because fighting at that age was not necessary for you and I think you want to impress someone isn't it
Jimin:  Yes I wanted to impress my girlfriend

Y/N : Can I get your attention here on 2016 you were seen with with a drug dealer so care to  explain .
Jimin:  Okay to be very honest at that time I was not knowing that he was a motherfucking drugs dealer and my business friend introduced  him and as you can see i was not found guilty and this file says that i am so innocent to be true okay .
Y/N:  Are you still addicted to these drugs Jimin?
Jimin: I never had drugs and I will never ever have them in future . I wanted to ask something if you don't mind.
I hummed in response and I think what he wants to ask but anyways
Jimin : When we were in school  I saw your boyfriend was having drugs but he saw me and warned me to not tell anyone else he will tell my girlfriend that I lied to her and I  can't fight
Y/N:  Firstly he was never my boyfriend but was a friend and that's a long story .

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