Chapter 12

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" Hyung look isn't she Y/N ?"
"It's  noona for you Jungkook and where ?"
"  Jimin  hyung look  there she is sitting on road with her head hung down you should go and check"
"Okay " and I went toward her why she is sitting on road like this is she crying? I gently tapped her shoulder and she glared at me with her red eyes Fuck if looks can burn I would be a roasted chicken till now
" JIMINIE JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME GO DON'T SHOW ME YOUR FUCKING FACE " She screamed and Jungkook arrived there
Jk : hey Y/Nieee what are you doing here oh no look at your knee it's bleeding.
She hugged Jungkook I don't know but I felt bad
Y/N:  Jungkookie again i am dreaming about him who broke my fucking heart am I that bad that I don't deserve love ? No one love me I don't think I have any fucking motivation to live no one care about me you know she hadn't called me to ask weather I am dead or alive . You know it hurts a lot when you see your childhood crush, a person whose smile brightens your whole day ,who shows you the care and love all those sweet gestures which you wanted from childhood but didn't got I saw him kissing a girl on his office desk and even my friend don't have time to listen my rant it really hurts  Jungguggie.
She cried for 10 to 15 minute in  his embrance I wanted to be in his place I want to pat her head and calm her down
Jk : Y/Nieee okay no more crying now tell me where is your home hmm .
She looked at his face and pointed toward her lock screen
Jk : oh holy shit are you an  army ?
She simply nodded her head and Kookie smiled like a child what he meant by army .Suddenly  she fell in his arms and slept like a baby my baby who is in my friend's arms great.
Jk : Hyung we should take her to your home there she can sleep properly.
Jimin:  So i am the reason she was crying right
Jk : Sorry hyung it's because of my stupid idea
Jimin:  hey you were just helping me relax.

And we arrived at my house and this time I quickly picked her and entered in I heard Jungkook chuckling but I don't give a fuck I hate sharing what's mine and she looked so exhausted and tried  . I made her sleep in guest room what about her dress at this time there is no  female househelp so at last I let her sleep in her dress . I treated her knee it was just  scratch. I sat on bed while my back was in contact with bed post  she hugged my waist like I was going somewhere so I massaged her head I think this will make her feel good .  She had  tattoo on her collar bone ' Young wild & free' and 00:00 and her dress was showing her back and there ' NERVERMIND' on her left hand right after her elbow 'SET ME FREE' on her pinky finger there were some stings of red and purple colour on her ring finger a cute cat was there on her middle finger 'FUCK' and in her right thigh 'Wild Flowers'Damnn she is really something
" Daddy you trust me right it was accident" i wonder  what  and why is she is mummering . I don't want  but have to leave room because I am also feeling sleepy and if I slept here I am scared of what she would think.  Shit I forgot about kookiee so I just rushed toward another guest room and found him  there
Jk : ahhh you remember you have another guest in your house now .
He complained with a cute pout
Jimin:  Sorry she was hugging me so if you are not feeling sleepy we can complete that game and this time I will win
Jk : Hahahahahahhaha in your dreams Jiminie .
Jimin:  yay only Y/N can call me that and I think I should complain  to Namjoon hyung that you again hacked someone's phone without permission.
Jk : Hyung don't please he will not give me kisses or cuddles for whole fucking day . okay let's go and play. 
It's 4 in morning and we  are still playing until we heard a sound and this belongs to her ohh so my precious creature is awake great. We both went toward sourse of voice and she was just standing infront of my gaming room Jungkook rushed toward her to hug her but she came behind me and hugged me from behind dammmmnnnnn her skin is so soft against me but quickly backed away and then I realised that both of us Kookie and me are shirtless wahh that's the reason I think she hid behind me . We both quickly went inside and wore some clothes properly. 
Y/N : why I am here Mr Park?
Her tone is harsh and cold but it sounds soooo sexy
Jimin:  Y/N you passed out on road and we saw you and brought you here
Jk : You forgot about me Y/N -shii I am hurt
Y/N:  Junggug right you were dancing with me isn't it
I laughed
Jk : Noona it's JUNGKOOK and yes
Y/N:  Ohh sorry Mr Jungkook thank you and I think I should leave.
Jimin:  It's too early Y/N.
Y/N:  I guess no and someone might be waiting for me I guess and thank you both one again .
Jimin:  Y/N you came in my car so let me drop you to club and from there you can leave
Y/N:  Okay
Drive was silent as hell and she was continuously looking outside the window I wonder what's in her mind.  I dropped her and went back to my home and I was surprised to see

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