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Alright let's began my day so I have to reach at Jimin's office till 9 :30 and it's 7 so i have time . After completing my daily activities like bath , brushing my teeth, breakfast for both of us and watering my plants . It's 8 :34 and I am ready to leave, I placed a last kiss on Ddsuon's head and left for office . At his office there were few new employees and Jimin wants me to give them clauses and information about his company in terms of law ofcourse but first I have to report Jimin and he is on an important phone call right now so what I have and can do is wait so I am waiting in lobby and using my phone and someone called my name and fuck why this voice sounds so familiar so I just looked toward the source of voice and that fucking voice belongs to Hei why no no no I am imagining he can't be here no no.
Hei : Hey Y/N
He said with a grin on his face . I went to receptionist
Y/N:  Is Mr Park available now I am waiting form 20 minutes please tell him I have many other things to do .
She just called Jimin and after 2 minute he called me inside
Jimin:  So sorry Y/Niee actually I got an important phone call from some foreign investors okay so let's get started okay.
Y/N:  Jimm- in can you do me a favour please

But I was interrupted by a knock and Fuck what Hei is doing here why life  is  so uncertain .
Jimin:  Yes come in Hei , Y/N meet my new secretary Kim Hei .
Fuck why life has to be so cruel with me I just want to run from here I want to run where I can be alone no problems , away from this hell
Jimin:  Hey Y/N where are you lost .
I just shaked my head into no
Hei : Hey Y/N
I just glared at him he is acting so innocent
Y/N: okay Mr Park please send your new employees and that file where all clauses are mentioned.
Jimin:  Sure ,Hei go and bring a purple colour file . I hope you remember everything my old sectarory told you
Hei : Yes sir I will be back in 5 minutes sir
And he leaves
Jimin:  Y/N is there any problem or anything which is making you uncomfortable you can share please I really don't like your this stressed face .
Y/N:  It's nothing Mr Park umm yay I just got my periods so I am not feeling good yay that's it .
Jimin : So sit do you want some coffee or tea ?
Y/N:  A cup of coffee will work but black coffee without sugar please. 
Jimin:  Okay
He called someone and ordered coffee for us why is he so caring ? Should I tell him about Hei nonono what he will think about me I can't  I can't do that I can't share that with anyone I  still get nightmares of that incident.
Jimin:  Welcome  back to earth Y/N here have your tasteless coffee .
He handed me a cup of coffee
Y/N:  Yay Park Jimin bitterness is also a flavour and some people like it .
He just chuckled while shaking his head damn why is he so cute Shut up Y/N be professional.  So I  began to do that thing for what i am paid that's WORK . We both were working and a knock disturbed us . Jimin let the person in other side come and that was fucking Hei with some purple file . He sat next to me on couch and I don't know I started feeling weird but again stared my work . I went to meeting room where new employees were already present I made them sign documents and clarified their doubts. It's 3 PM lunch time and my work is finished so I can leave . I went toward Jimin's office  and he let me come there I meet his friend I guess Jungguug or whatever with his sexy husband. Oh God Y/N you are drooling over a married man seriously but I was just stating the fact and we should never lie . I bowed toward them

Jk : Hey noona okay without wasting time I am here to  invite you to our marriage anniversary party which is after 1 week .

I just looked at their faces seriously I meat that guy in a club and this is third time we are seeing each other and this man is inviting me to his party seriously . I also have many clients and I have very strict business relationship with them we can't trust everyone in this world
Exercise caution in your business affairs
For the world is  full of trickery.

Y/N:  So sorry I  am busy with something personal next week and happy marriage anniversary in advance .

Namjoon and Jk:  Thank you. 

Jimin : So why you came Y/N.
Y/N:  Yay so my work is done so I will be leaving.  See you soon Have a good day ahead all of you.
Jimin:  Byee
I exited from office and I really don't want to go home but where else I can go and I am not in a mood to have anything for lunch because I had 3 cups of coffee today while working. I was going through my to do list and remembered that today I have a meeting with a physiotherapist at 4 :30 . So I went to my home and relaxed myself before my session. 
I reached hospital and I walked in to doctor actually I have little swelling on my right shoulder due to my sleeping posture so yay here we are .
Doctor:  Good evening
He was shocked to see me and I was confused
Y/N:  Evening doctor. 
Doctor:  I am glad to see you after months how are you doing.
Y/N:  Well I am having paid in my right shoulder so I am not fine and another thing I don't remember you sorry.
Doctor:  Ahh we meet at club and uhm umm
Y/N:  Okay to be honest I really don't remember or care about people I had one night stand and yay that's it so can we start our sessions doctor.
Doctor:  Yes
For 30 minutes he guided me about massages I can give to myself and he also massaged my shoulder God it was so refreshing and relaxing. 
Life is boring for me I guess Ddsuon is sleeping and I don't want to disturb his sleep  Mihyun is seriously so busy and I am here alone. I finally finished a novel which I started 1 week ago so I am going to Library gosh I need a good book to read .

I got a phone call by Jimin saying he wants me to accompany him to Bussan for his meeting God damn why he wants to go there  why can't he call his clients to come here ,be wants to go but that too with me . Of course he is paying a great amount to me so I was unable to say noo so we have a flight at 3 pm and he is a great person with  unlimited money in his bank account so he is paying for mine tickets although being  a person with self respect I rejected but he said he owns a private  jet so no tickets    . And another great thing we will be staying there for 2 days so Ddsuon will be with Tae he is a great person but I will never say this to him  else he will think so highly of him .

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