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Again, Bora sneaked into her mother's study to get another diary, as she was really not interested in her parents sex lives. Why did she write about her sexual life like that? After getting some books, she did her morning routine and started getting ready for the office. That place is good, but Beom is a real pain in the ass. After getting satisfied with her look, she went downstairs to have breakfast. Soon her cab arrived, as her car's brakes were not functioning properly after her parents accident. She was quite scared to drive. She remembered that when she first drove Jimin's Porsche without anyone's permission, Hanuel, her partner in crime, was with her. She scratched his car. Y/N and Jimin took her mobile phone for a whole week. Who punishes their 13-year-old child like that? While she was in the car, she started reading Y/N's journal and reached the page where Bong-Cha was written.



I can't believe now that we have two daughters, and that feels so good. Well, I'm happy because this time I didn't carry her in my stomach. Seriously, I was dying while Bora and Beom were born, and still, that pain sends chills to my bones. So toady, all four of us went to the orphanage, and there was a cute little girl sleeping. We got to know that she was new, but she is 4 months old. We both agreed to adopt her, and our kids too; they were playing with her like they were only two years old but behaving like they were twenty. So on an urgent basis, we scheduled dinner at our place, and everyone was curious. When they all came, they were amused to see her. She is our happy ball; she brought happiness to our boring lives. Hanuel was patting Bora's head and said, ''Don't worry, love, I will divide my attention among both of you. Huh, the weight of the world on my shoulder." I am damn sure he is Taebitch's son, but seriously, I love the bond between them. Gosh, I still can't believe I am the mother of four kids.


Bora has reached her destination. She was seven minutes early-so early that that lazy ass Some passed her smile while others made weird faces, as she too owns that company and the fuck she gives them. Work is so tiring, so she was glad it was time to leave. She was finally free. She again booked a cab for herself and started reading, as she didn't have time during her lunch break. She reads, It hurts so bad. 



Dude, I can't believe they don't trust me. Seriously, fuck them all. What made them think that I would lie about something like that? So today Bong-Cha had her visit with her doctor, but Jimin was busy, so I was alone at the hospital. The kids were at Mih's place. Our appointment was late, so while returning, it was quite dark. I was busy with work and kids, so I didn't get time to have a calm walk, so I planned to have it today, but soon I felt someone was behind me. I was fucking scared, so I quickened my pace, but that person too ran while I was grabbing my girl, and my mobile fell down when I stopped to pick it up. That shadow had something in its hand, more likely a knife, so I ran. I reached Jimin's office, and to be more safe, I entered. Bong-Cha was crying like there was no tomorrow. People there only know me as an advocate, and when I was demanding to meet Jimin, I was not allowed. I also didn't have my phone, so I was screaming at the receptionist to let me go. The receptionist called Jimin's secretary, and he knows who I am, so seeing my state, he called Jimin out. Namjoon, Soekjin, and their father also accompanied him. When they saw me, Jin took Bong-Cha from my hold, and they took us to his main office. I told them, but they were not believing me, so I called Mih through Jimin's mobile, and I don't know what they talked about, but I was sure that she too didn't believe me. I talked to Yoongi, and he told me to calm down and not leave my house for some days. I just don't know what is going on in my life. Who the hell is that person, and what does he want from me? I am so fucking scared for people around me.


A message popped up on her mobile phone saying that tomorrow there would be dinner organised by Yoongi at his place. Bora was confused as it was not time for their meetings, and neither was Yoongi's turn. Is there something going on? Soon messages started flooding in asking why, but Yoongi was not replying, so after some time everyone stared asking Hoseok, but he replied saying he too didn't know why.


Author's note : We are reaching an end soon. Thank you for being there with me. As this is my first story, there may be many mistakes, but thank you for always being with me. :)

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