I'm Here For you

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I couldn't stop my tears from falling :"Can I stay then?"
He nodded and pat on my head.

Turning my head away, I started crying my eyes out. I was so happy that I couldn't find any words to describe it. I'm not living with that family anymore. I have a new family now. I don't need anything more.

" However, we still have to ask JYP for permission, and let your parents know about it."

"I knew it wouldn't be easy to live here, but why meeting my parents?"

"Don't worry everything will be okay. Cause I'm here for you."

"Then, can you tell JYP that I want to be a trainee under his company ?"

"Yeah, I'll make sure to tell him."

"Thank you, Chan oppa. You're so kind."

"Now go to sleep."

"I changed my mind about your kindness."


Today is boring. I don't have anything to do. Everyone went to the company leaving me alone. There isn't anything new on my phone either.
That pushed me to clean the house with every single room. I even reorganized Jisung's sneakers collection.
After finishing everything I lay down on the couch waiting for anyone to arrive.

At 9 pm someone opened the door. "I'm home."

I suddenly stood up. It was Jeongin. I beamed "You're finally here. I was dying of boredom."

He groaned " But I'm dying of hunger."

"I already made dinner. Wanna eat together?"

"Yes, please!"

We didn't wait for anyone else, and started eating.

"You really cook well compared to your age." Jeongin commented.

"Compared to my age? What do you mean?"

"I mean you're too young but you still cook well." He explained.

Clearing my throat, I said: "Yang Jeongin, do you know how old I am?"

He hid his laughter behind his hands and replied: "You're still at middle school, aren't you?"

I chuckled : "I'm actually older than you."

"What? No way. You look so young."

"I'm one month older than you, Jeongin. I'm at my first high school year."

"Now I'm so shocked. I can't believe you. But since you're older than me, I should call you Noona, right?"

I screamed :"Noona? This is so cute. You have to call me Noona!"

He hid his face behind his hands and said : "Sujin Noona, it's embarrassing to call you like this."

"You'll get used to it."

A knock on the door interrupted our laughters. Felix and Seungmin entered, and came directly to eat.

Felix started : "Sujin, I have good news for you."

I beamed: "Good news? What is it?"

"Chan met JYP, and told him about you. He said you can do your audition the next week."

"Uhh sorry? Next week? Isn't it too early?"

"Yeah, better be ready."

Seungmin said "He also agreed to have you stay with us."

I jumped from my place not hiding the happiness on my face "Did he really agree? Omg JYP is an angel.!"

" Our competition with YG entertainment will be after 5 days, he said you can come with us if you want. And he can meet you."

"Of course I will!"

Kang Sujin: Stray kids 9th memberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang