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A.N: Sorry for not posting for a long time..
My phone was taken from me :)

JYP's office.. I have been here several times, but this time... It's different. Bangchan isn't with me...

"Yes you can enter" I heard from inside

"Hello..." I said shyly after opening the door

"Sit down" JYP said "I'm going to evaluate your dancing, and vocals. You have a month to prepare any song and performance you want"

"What about rapping? Can I do vocals and rap at the same time?"

"Yes, You have the right to choose whatever concept you want to go with. I have high hopes for you, If you do well you can join girl team 2 project.."

"Really? I can?" I saw that group in the survival show and I admired them. I was happy to hear that I can be with them. "I'll work hard"



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The outfit: 👆


After one month...

It's finally the evaluation day. I worked hard for this day and prepared a dancing, singing and rapping stage.. I'll finally perform it in front of JYP.


I stepped forward "Hello, I'm Kang Sujin"

"Yes, Kang Sujin, what did you prepare?" He was scribbling on some papers on his desk."

"Today, I prepared BTOB's WOW for dancing, and Climax for vocals and rap."

"You performed BTOB's song last time as well, right?" After receiving a nod from me he smiled "You must really like them"

I smiled back before starting the dance stage. It ended without any mistakes...

"This song is male group's song. Male groups have harder performances than girls because they need more energy and stamina. But, you still nailed it.. Your movements were strong and precise, you danced like a boy."

I smiled and nodded at every compliment he said. Park Jinyoung who is known for being strict is showering me with compliments.

"But," his face turned serious as he looked directly at my eyes "You're a girl, this time you performed a boy's dance and slayed it. I never want to see it again. From now on, you should prepare girl group dances."

"Yes, I'll try to.." I bowed

"Now for the next stage, it's a BTOB's song too, right?"

I nodded "but the key is high, higher than the average girl's key"

"Yes you can start"

I sang my heart out, not leaving him any mistake to point out. My performance ended after four minutes of singing and rapping.

"Are you sure you haven't had any vocal education before? Because how you sing is like a pro singer. You sang well the last time, but this time it's even better. I can see the improvement... And your rapping is also not bad, from expressions to flow, to pronunciation. You're doing good..."

"Thank you" it was all I can say after this flow of good words.

"You can join 'girl group 2 project'"

I couldn't help but jump from my place when I heard the good news "Really? Can I?"

"Yes, your skills are worth it. You can debut if you do a good job"

"Thank you" I bowed before leaving the room all hyped up. It looks like the world is finally smiling at me....

Kang Sujin: Stray kids 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now