He agreed

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It's JYP's office again. It's like Sujin's second house, she comes here whenever she has a thing to discuss, and she has lots of things to discuss. But this time, it's Woojin and Bangchan with her, with their manager of course.

"Come in" The four entered after receiving the signal from the Chairman "What brings you here?"

They all sat down as they were told and started with the leader's words "To make it short, Woojin is leaving the group, and Sujin wants to join"

The old guy looked at them confusedly. "What?" He let a sigh "First things first. Why is Woojin leaving?"

The boy explained everything to him, about his work being inconvenient for him, and him searching for another career and everything else. The CEO was just looking at him and nodding "There's no turning back? You're really planning to leave. You won't regret it?".

Woojin's expression darkened as he was nodding "I already decided that"

"The other boys know?"


"They're not complaining?"


The old guy let another sigh "I'll look into it.." He turned his head to the only girl there "What about you?"

"I just thought about joining the band" She lowered her head, knowing that what she's saying is not logical.

"Fine, you can" The girl widened her eyes, not believing what he said

"Excuse me?"

"I said you can. I already know what you have to say about your skills and how I criticized you for dancing like boys, plus the band will need a main vocal, and you can do it. In addition, it'll be something new and it can catch the public's attention, some fans will disagree but most of them will be okay with the change in the group. And don't forget, negative clout is also clout"

Sujin was just blinking with her mouth open "How the he-" She received a glare from Chan and the manager. "How did you know?"

"Anyone can figure it out" he chuckled arrogantly "But you have to pass tests... You're still a yeonsup-saeng (1 degree of trainees), right?"

"No, I was promoted to a gurieok-saeng (2 degree of trainees)" She shook her head.

"You have to pass two evaluations with the group before debuting. It's gonna be hard because it's the first time in JYP for a girl to join a boy's team, and it's the first time a member gets replaced. You have to do really well." He explained causing the girl's face to light up in excitement.

"I'll try my best!"


"JYP is a weirdo-" Sujin received a slap on her head, "What? Isn't it weird how he quickly agreed to my proposal.."

"We're still in the building, watch your mouth" Chan glared at her.

Woojin chuckled watching the two bickering.

The seven boys were taking a break in the practice room when the door was shut down "Guys! He said yes!" Seeing the girl jump all over the practice room made them smile.

Kang Sujin: Stray kids 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now