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On a rainy night, It was past midnight, most of the members were sleeping or in their rooms. Sujin was sitting in her room alone, waiting for her roommate to come, so she could sleep peacefully. She was crying alone, hugging her knees up to her face.

"Where's the- Huh? Sujin? Are you okay?" Jisung quickly rushed to her, just after getting out of his bath, with his hair still wet, when he kneeled down in front of her. "Did something happen to you?" He looked worriedly at the girl who shook her head and continued sobbing like a 5 years old. "Jinnie.. Answer me.." He held her hands which were shaking, and sat next to her.

"I'm.... Scared.." She tightened her hand on his, when he pulled her into a hug.

"Why? Is it because of the thunder?" He said quietly while rubbing her back. She nodded and squeezed his body. "Aww~ Baby it's okay.. I'm with you now, don't cry.." He hugged her tightly before pulling away.

She was crying like crazy, she didn't stop until she felt his lips on hers. He pecked her lips softly before pulling away and smiling at her, still holding her close to him.

"Huh? I.." She looked down with a red face, furrowing her brows "I was crying and you just- just-" The girl bit her lip and tried to hold her tears but she broke down again and started crying, only to receive another peck on her lips. "Jisung!" She finally stopped crying and pouted at him.

"What~ Didn't you stop crying? That's what I wanted" He patted her head. Another tear fell from her eye, and he leaned on her lips and pecked her softly.

"Stop~" She pushed him and frowned. She blushed heavily, looking weak and cute. He was grinning at her.

"If you cry again I'll kiss you.." He chuckled and wrapped his hand around her waist.

"It's like you're giving me a reason to cry.." She giggled as he was wiping her tears with his sleeves.

The boy smiled warmly at her, looking at her lips. He slowly leaned on and kissed her. Holding her waist tightly. This kiss was deeper and longer than the other two. The girl blushed even more when she felt his tongue moving inside her mouth. He finally pulled away and looked at the other way, wiping his lips.

"Why? I wasn't crying..." She licked her lips before biting them and looking at the floor.

"I didn't say I won't kiss you if you smile.." He got up from his place and locked the door. Sujin was looking at his red ears, she chuckled. He turned the lights off and went back to her bed, sitting next to her. "You're okay now?"

She nodded "I'm ok-" She didn't finish her sentence when the thunder hit again, she flinched and started trembling.

"No you're not.." He pulled her into a hug and played with her long fluffy hair.

"Jisung, your hair is still wet.." She had her hand on his head when she pulled away. "Want me to dry it for you?"

"Huh? No, you don't need to-"

"Sit down, I'll go get a towel"

"Sujin, tell me.. Why were you crying earlier? I know it's because you're scared of the thunderstorm, but is there another reason?" He said while sitting on the floor, with his head between her legs as she dried his hair with the towel.

"There's... It's because my dad would beat me a lot on rainy days. He hates them, so he's more angry on those days" She said while smiling, but her voice was shaky.

"Aww.. Baby, it must have been hard for you.." He lifted her head up to see her sad smile.

She shook her head "I still remember one day when he was really angry because his car slipped on the road, and he bumped into a wall. He was really angry and he came directly to me who was looking out of the window... He told me 'Why aren't you sleeping!' And when I told him that I was scared of the thunder he beat me, really hard- really hard that I couldn't- couldn't walk the day after.."

"Baby.." He lifted his head to look at her again, but she wasn't smiling. She was crying. "You're okay now... Don't cry.." He stood up and sat down, carrying her on his lap, rubbing her arm as he buried her head in his chest. "I told you I'll kiss you again if you cry.." He lifted her chin, rubbing her lower lip as he got closer. But she pulled away and hid her face in his chest.

"Don't.." She wrapped her arms around his waist "Can I sleep like this? I feel safe.."

"You can baby, you can.." He softly pecked her forehead and put a blanket over her.

Jisung was planning to wait for her to sleep and put her down on her bed, but he felt warm around her. He fell asleep even before her, so she was the one who made him lay down on her bed, and hugged him. Until she fell asleep too...

Kang Sujin: Stray kids 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now