Felix.. No

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It's a bad day.. it can't get worse.. I just knew the fact that I was just raised by my family, this truth was hidden from me for 16 years... Since they left and I'm crying on my bed. Until someone came, unexpectedly early.

He came directly to his room and started screaming and crying. I think he didn't know that I was in the house... I was broken too so I didn't go to see him and stayed in Chan's room crying silently.

We stayed like this for more than an hour, his voice has lowered with time. So I went to check on him.

"Felix, you were like this for a long while.. do you need any help?"

"All you said yesterday was a lie, about how my mistake wasn't obvious, and how my rapping was clear, and how my voice sounded attractive... It was all a lie, the PD-nim said the opposite....."

A worried look appeared on my face as I sat on the floor next to his bed table. "Did you get kicked? No way... He may have lost his eyes, so he can't see how talented you are..."

"Or you're just saying this because you feel bad about me..."

"Hey... Felix.. I really mean it.. you did really well, you just came to Korea two months ago and you're doing a good job, Jinyoung will regret his decision.."

"I just came two months ago... It's not a long time, this is another reason for him to reject me and give me more time to train..."

I put my head on his bed, our heads are facing each other. I looked deeply at his eyes "I'm sure he'll regret his decision and make you return to the group.."

"What if he doesn't..." He slid his hand on my hair and started playing with it.

"Then.. I'll join JYP and we can debut together as a duo" I held his hand and grinned.

"Haha.. that'll be so weird.."

"Weird? It'll be crazy.. Imagine my thin voice harmonizing with your deep voice"

"Mmm that'll be a good thing.. By the way, were you crying? Your eyes look puffy.." Felix moved his hand to my cheek and caressed it

I was going to pull my head away and tell him 'I'm okay don't worry' but I really needed someone to cheer me up so I stayed with him "You know... This morning.. I went with Chan and Changbin to my house..."

"Yeah, I know. They agreed to you joining the company, didn't they?"

I nodded "But, they also revealed the truth that I wasn't their daughter-"

"Wasn't their daughter? How?"

"She said that mom was a sex worker and I was born by accident, so she threw me away and that woman adopted me cause she felt bad and she had no children. But now that they have a child, they don't need me anymore.."

"Isn't it rude? To mistreat a child just because you have another one.. You must have felt bad..."

I couldn't hold my tears anymore.. I burst into crying again "I felt bad..I felt awful.."

"Now now.." He pat my head slowly trying to encourage me "You're now free from them... You should be happy"

I sobbed and cried like a five year old kid. "But I still feel like no one wants me, and I don't belong to anyone..."

I could feel his heavy breath as his lips got closer to me. "You belong to us.." He pecked me on my forehead

I couldn't help but blush at that sudden move. But to be honest, it made me feel better...

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