Fight back

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P/S: This chapter may be upsetting for some readers. You can skip to the next chapter.

(Physical abuse warning)

I don't know where all that confidence came from, when I stepped forward "Yeah, I mean me"

He smirked and looked at me "Such a beautiful little girl, wants to throw hands with me?"

"Throw hands? I don't wanna do that.. I just wanted to solve things in a mature way, you know, just discuss it.. It won't be good for you to pick a fight with me" I brought my face closer to him and chuckled, looking at his eyes coldly "So just step back and go home as you can.."

As soon as I finished talking, he clenched his fist and punched me in the face. I didn't have the time to dodge his attack so I just received that hard punch. It hurts... Really bad... But what can I do? Run? No, No.. it wouldn't be good to run after receiving a punch, I should punch him back.. but look at how tall and huge he is, my strongest punch will not even make him flinch... If only I ran earlier, why did I get myself into this... Oh right, where is Jisung? He's there watching, he looks scared... I should do something to get away from this situation.. If I can't punch him, can't I kick him? Yeah, that'll be the most reasonable solution.
I raised my leg in the air and jumped. I spun to make my kick even harder, and crushed his nose with my left heel. After landing on the floor, I just grabbed Jisung's hand and pulled him with me. We ran until breathless.

"How did you... Do that? I mean.. that kick was..."

"Oh, yeah. I've been practicing Taekwondo since elementary school"

We finally arrived at the dorms. I stopped in front of the door. "We forgot to buy the noodles, should we go to the other convenience store?"


"Huh? But you really wanted it.."

Jisung held my hand and put his other hand on my cheek. "You're injured... We should take care of that.."

"It's not a big deal... I'm used to it.."

"No, you're not" He tightened his hand and pulled me with him, climbing the stairs. I stayed silent. I didn't say anything as I was looking at our hands holding together.... But why is my face so hot? And why is my heart beating really fast?....

We sneaked into the house. No one noticed us as we entered the kitchen.

"Sit there" He pointed at the chair at the dining table. I did as he told me. Jisung took an ice bag from the fridge, and sat in front of me. Our knees were crossed together when he pulled my chair closer to him. He grabbed my chin and put the ice on my cheekbone "Does it hurt?"

I nodded.

He pat my head "Thank you...and sorry.. I couldn't do anything out there.. I just watched you as you took the lead, and now your beautiful face is hurt... I'm pathetic, right?"

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