Side Story 3.

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3rd person pov

Beau was quickly escorted out of class by Mr Wen and told to rush to the nurses office.

This wasn't the first time Beau Trainor had had a major nose bleed in the middle of class.

One time when Beau was in 4th grade they were in gym class outside. And they had to go down the big kid slide. All the other boys took the challenge, but Beau didn't want to he was too scared. But he was the last one so he had to do it before class ended.

He climbed to the top and saw how high up he was so instead he went down on his stomach. All the other kids laughed making Beau feel like he wasn't cool or boy enough to go down the slide. Making him upset, resulting in a major nose bleed.

It got all over the front of his shirt and it went all over the slide when he slid down. The other kids got upset and screamed from all the blood on the slide. And when the big kids came outside for recess they got angry that there favorite slide was covered in blood and had to be shut down until it was clean.

All the kids eyed and made faces at Beau as he had to be walked to the nurses office.



"Josh can I talk to you outside please!"

Mr Wen motioned at Josh to quickly come outside after what had just happened. Josh being stubborn shook his head no, he didn't want leave class where everyone would see him in this long robe thing he was wearing. And he still had the glasses and gloves on.

"Josh come here now!" Josh sighed loudly and pushed through the people around him and stepped outside of the class to talk to Mr Wen.

"What the hell was that?" Mr Wen closed the door

"What was what sir?" Josh knew what he did. He just didn't want to admit it to Mr Wen even if he felt bad about it.

"Really? You picked up a cat fetus!" Mr Wen explained sourly.

Josh tried to look somewhere else then at Mr Wen. His expression dulled.

"After class go apologize to Beau." Josh eyes lit up at his name but it was for something he was unsure about. Josh knew Beau didn't want to see him after that.


"No buts. Beau is sensitive kid, you can't just be going around yelling about some things in front of him."

Josh furrowed his eyes, I all dawned on him about he Beau might feel. Things like this don't bother him, but Josh knows Beau isn't like him. Beau isn't like anyone he's ever met. And he has to be carful

"I get it Mr Wen, I'll go see him after class" Josh muttered.

"Good! Now let's continue" Mr Wen opened the door for Josh. They both walked back into class together.


"Oh my! Hello Beau." A young nurse with long dark hair walked into her nurses office and saw a boy sitting down on one of the beds. She saw that boy quite often, I guess they referred to each other as friends more then anything else.

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