Siracusan troubles Part 2

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Ursus and Leithanien.

What do they have in common?

They wanted the Laterza necklace, of course. Or, dare i say potential buyers of a stolen item.

I made several calls these past days, and only two of them are the only promising candidate of buyers. When all others just... Offered pennies, compared to them.

I'll have to thank Fantasma, or if it is his real name, someday for helping me hiding and sending the Laterza necklace.

Anyways, this week i have a scheduled meeting with each of them. Negotiations, and I'll sell it to the ones who are willing to throw away more money at me. Now that's business.

Let'see. I have a meeting with... Ursus. Oh joy... Take a guess, are they going to send a skilled diplomat who is also a great negotiator and a silver-tongued guy, or a cool meathead military guy with some political leanings I might not agree with?

I'm gonna guess the latter.

Whelp. Might as well get going i suppose. It's already mid day?! Why does time pass so fast when you're in a bath?!

Alright, Valor, stop monologuing. You got this.


Church, Empire of Victoria//1400 hours.

The church is empty. Well, almost empty. A majority of people don't believe in the existence of a higher power, a God. There are exceptions, i mean, some people believe in the spirits of the dead and the spirits of their ancestors.

I'm seated in the pews in the back row. Currently, I'm looking at the priest who's taking care of the orphans that live here. Heh, reminds me of my childhood. Occasionally i take out a small copy of the bible and glanced at the pages, other than that, I got really bored.

Come to think of it, how did they managed to build a church here in the first place when there are so few who regularly pray?

Well, any religious institutions are pretty good at making money if you know what i mean.

A tall person sat next to me and took a deep sigh, "I suppose you're Valor?" He asked in a low voice.

I took a glance at him and replied in a similarly low voice, "General Kalinkov?" i ask.

He was a man in his 50s, if i had to guess. An Ursine, obviously. Wearing a dark brown-ish coat and a military beret of all things.

"слава Урсусу." He replied as he slowly extends his hand.

I shook his hand firmly.

"i have to apologise for arriving late. There was... Matters of state to attend to." He retracts his hand.

"I'm guessing it has to do with Chernoborg?" i crossed my arms.

"Mhm. Reunion activities. Terrorist activities have been on the rise." He did the same and crossed his arms, and we both looked at the priest and the children, "fact is... Our infected population is getting rowdy. I was ordered to pacify them."

"Mm." I nodded.

"What is your opinion on the infected, Mr. Valor?" he suddenly asks a question and looks at me.

"Nothing much? Indifference if i dare say. I have no reason to hate them nor do I have any obligations to help them." I state.

"you'll soon have a reason to hate them. You'll find out for yourself sooner or later." He turns his head.

"Well, i don't wanna fuck around and find out now do i?" i chuckled.

I mean, I've had limited contact with the Reunion movement, and I'd like to keep this status quo for better or worse. I don't want to be put in a government's watchlist or something. Though that might already be a reality...

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