𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 ❥ 𝐍a𝐠i

271 11 4

Everyday people change and you just have to grow custom to it.  But you? you haven't changed, you were still the same, with a calm, cheery attitude but deep inside full of despair, getting rejected by all the guys you've once fallen in love with.  That was all gunna change when a guy with the name 𝐍𝐚𝐠𝐢 attends your school.


Riding your bicycle to school, following the same routine everday except for the weeknds where you spent most of the time moping around at your job.  You've grown custom to this everyday life, nothing will change, you took in a deep breath and sat down in your chair, your usual corner and stared at those who had vivid conversations with others. 

Class began when the teacher called role call, and went on and on calling everyone's name until they paused,

"class, today we have a new student!" the teacher welcomed in a guy who looked tired and had white hair, yet his style was nice

"introduce yourself young gentleman"

"nagi" he said nonchalantly

The second his name rolled out of his toungue is when the whole class turned quiet and the murmurs of the students in class began.  who is this guy? look at what he's wearing, he must be rich!, he's cute!, he's not that good looking..., shhh! Look, he looks like hes about to pass out!, and the others felt looked down upon.

"nagi, have a seat right by y/n!"

why me!? out of all the seats that are free?, everyone faced your direction.  Oh, i forgot she was even in this class, shhh she can hear you, isn't she talking to that one guy? I think his name is lucas,
i think so but he flirts with anyone, the more you heard the more you wanted to run out of the class and disappear but you held in a smile.

Nagi overheard the whispers and felt pity for you.  But it was none of his buisness to step in, he didn't even know you.

The teacher began the lecture and the students focused up on the board m.  You turned to the side only to find him on his phone.  You poked his shoulder, he looked up with curiosity. 

"Hi, i haven't introduced myself yet, but my name is y/n" you smiled

"Huh, nice" he went back to his phone

Seriously, you turned back to the board and focused.   Your phone buzzed, it was lucas.  You tried to answer his text message even tho he left you on delievered for 12 hrs, you still got excited that he texted you back. 

My internet is not working!, you scoffed.  "Huh what is that y/n?" Teacher called you out, "oh sorry, what?" You put your phone away and looked around to find everyone staring at you again


"Miss l/n, you will show nagi around since he is new, that will be your punishment for using your phone in class, now excuse me" teacher said

You stared at the wall, when did i pick up a penny?, you looked at nagi who was just chill about the situation.  But when he realized that you were frozen, he took you by the shoudler and dragged you out of the class.

43 mins showing nagi around the school...

"So this is the soccer field... but this school isn't known for people playing sports at all"

"I like it empty, for some reason, can we go sit down now? I didn't sign up for this"

"Your giving me lazy vibes yk that?"

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