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You scanned the picture of Tae with the female idol, scanning his face for any emotion that might relieve you of your insecurities. But he looked so happy with her, he was just being nice though. However that little nagging voice in your head wouldn't stop putting you down.

She's so much prettier than you…

Don't you think he deserves someone just as beautiful as him, someone who's just as talented as him?..

Shut up

Go on, look in the mirror, you'll know what I mean…

And you did what that voice said, hypnotised by your own thoughts, your feet taking you to stand in front of the reflective glass - sometimes a place you felt happy, maybe proud of your appearance, sometimes a place where you despised yourself, your appearance.

Look at yourself...

I am. Your eyes started to burn with hot tears.

Do you see what I mean now?..

You closed your eyes, squeezing them shut in an attempt to shut out that dangerous voice. Opening your eyes again, looking at yourself straight in the eyes that were now angry and red.

I do. Tae deserves so much better, no wonder he was happier with her.

I know.

And you broke down. Almost disgusted with your own image, disgusted because you thought you even had a chance with a man so perfect and seemingly flawless, you crawled into your bed. You allowed the duvet to swallow you up as you wallowed in self-pity.

A few hours later, Tae walked into your shared apartment feeling exhausted from the endless social interactions from earlier that day. He was quite an extroverted person, but he sometimes needed a break too, and right now he needed you in his arms. 

As he walked into your bedroom after freshening himself up, his eyes gazed over the duvet encasing your body, and he hurriedly changed into comfier clothes. He slid into the bed, wasting no time in wrapping an arm around your waist, edging his body so close to yours, still not knowing you were in fact awake. You tried your best to breath evenly, but you couldn't help but think that the way he was holding you close was an act all along.

Taehyung, unaware of your troubled mind, kissed your shoulder and tucked his head in the sip of your neck sighing deeply. But when he heard a sniffle come from you, his eyes shot wide open.


You were too tired to push him away, so you sobbed out,

"Please don't leave me," your voice so fragile and desperate. Desperate to hold on to the love you had for him.

Tae turned you around and placed your head to his chest, cradling the back of your skull with his large hand, his other arm still on your waist.

"Where's this come from?" he asked after a moment of you crying silently.

You shook your head before tightly wrapping your own arms around his torso.

"I'm sorry," you cried while Tae furrowed his brows in confusion, "you deserve someone better."

As those words left your mouth, he began to feel angry. Had someone said something to you? Were you getting hate?

"Baby," he began, his voice was low, and he cupped your face, pulling you away from his chest so he could look at your face despite the darkness in the room. "I don't know where this came from but I don't want someone better, I only want you."

"But I'm not perfect," you mumbled.

"Y/n," he gently shook his head, wiping your face with his thumbs. "You are perfect for me."

Your mind seemed to stop battling with you once he said that, your breaths calmer.

"Baby," he whispered, bringing you in for a quick kiss, "if you're worried about flaws, then your flaws are equal to your perfections. In my eyes you are the most valuable existence on this earth."

He brought you into his chest again, kissing the crown of your head, his lips lingering for a while.

"I love you, hopelessly, endlessly. I'll give you everything. But you know what I won't do?" he said, looking down at you again.

You shook your head.

"I won't give you up."

Your lips tugged upwards into a smile before you buried your head into his chest again, thanking the heavens that you had this man in your life.

As you said your 'I love you's you could finally sleep peacefully, knowing he loved you for you, the nagging voice that plagued your mind earlier barely a whisper in the back of your mind.

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