Coming back home after a cold walk

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The trees that lined the park were starting to bud new life, delicate petals and leaves peeling open in search of fresh oxygen. But despite the appearance of the April blossoms beginning to flourish, the air was bitterly cold, too cold to take a walk in. 

Apparently, you and Tae never got the memo.

You both had decided to go on a walk, ‘to stay active’ you convinced yourself, however most of the walk was full of muffled complaints, the bottom half of your faces being stuffed in the collars of your coats. In an attempt to keep warm, you’d both walked side by side, literally attached by the hip, and Tae had even persuaded you to jump up and down to get the blood flowing. But blood flowing or not, you still felt your lips going blue and…like an idiot for even suggesting a walk in the first place. It didn’t take long for you to agree that it would be best to head home, not bothering to check how long you’d actually been walking for.

Finally making it back home, you stood shivering while Tae stood behind back hugging you and simultaneously shuffling on his feet to battle his own shivers, which admittedly made it very difficult to unlock the door.

"Tae, please stop moving!"

"But I’m so cold," he whined, the sound of his teeth chattering urging you to push the key in the lock quicker.

"Ok ok, we’re in," you exhaled, ready to feel the warmth of your heated home.

Your feet tripped over each other's as you both raced in, dramatically sighing as the heating tingled your fingertips and toes. Tae plonked himself on the sofa straight away, wrapping the throw that usually laid on the back around himself. Chuckling at the sight, you ruffled his hair and asked if he wanted a warm drink to which he replied with a loud groan and a nod of his head.

Whilst you waited for the kettle to boil, you could barely contain your amused and adoring smile. Tae always made you smile, mostly because he was so cute—he still hadn’t grown up in a way—and despite how miserable that walk was, he still managed to make you smile afterwards with his normal antics.

"Here you go baby," you spoke as you padded into the living room with two steaming mugs, handing one to a cocooned Taehyung.

He gladly cupped his large and elegant palms around the hot ceramic, welcoming the steam that heated him up. As you sat down next to him, he shifted closer to you, making sure the blanket sheltered the both of you, and put his arm around your waist, his palm cupping your hip. You spent the next hour or so sipping your drinks, loving the way his thumb comfortingly rubbed your clothed hip. In turn, Tae adored the way your body leaned on his, showing his contentment with kisses to the crown of your head. After finishing his drink with a loud slurp and smack of his lips, he shoved his empty cup into your hold, a silent plea.

You groaned. "I don’t wanna take it," you whined, pushing the mug away, which only made him thrust the ceramic back into your own hands with more force, grumbling incomprehensibly before you finally accepted.

With a slumped, and now cold, figure, you walked into the kitchen with two empty mugs but not without sending Tae a glare which only made him laugh.

Placing the mugs in the kitchen sink, you thought that you could whip up something quick for dinner while you were there. You opened the cupboards with little motivation looking for something simple, hoping you would find a couple of abandoned ramen packets at the back when you heard Tae calling your name and you were sure he was laughing. Looking over your shoulder, you see him quickly making his way towards you, the throw gathered clumsily over his shoulders and his phone in his hand. His wide box-like smile was on show and his eyes crinkled which instantly made you smile too.

"What is it?"

Tae stood slightly behind you, wrapping his blanket-clad arm around your shoulders, his other holding the phone in front of you. What was displayed on the screen made you burst into hysterics. It was a selfie you both had taken together on the walk. You remember Tae suggesting to take a picture with the pink cherry blossoms that had started to flower, and you remember wanting to be quick about it. However, looking at the image displayed on Tae’s phone looked laughable. The both of you displayed grimaces rather than a smile, the cold obviously ruined the mood, and to add onto that, you were both teary-eyed, eyelids squinting uncomfortably thanks to the winter breeze. Well…if you weren’t happy then, you certainly were now, the both of you almost choking on laughter.

"Ah that’s hilarious!" you exclaimed, Tae’s giggles still rumbling from behind you, "Send me that, I’m using that for our next anniversary."

Tae replied with a swift kiss to your cheek, wrapping his arms around you tighter while you both calmed down.

"Can we order in? I’m too tired to cook anything," you asked after a quiet moment.

"Of course, baby."

"Cool. You’re getting it when it arrives though," you quipped, and continued when you heard him tut, "No! It’s only fair!"

You started to walk back to the sofa, dragging Tae with you to keep warm because you’d be damned if he made you leave from underneath the blanket again.

"Fine," you heard him grumble as he stuffed his face into your neck, his breath tickling your skin and making you laugh.

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