Sliding Doors

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Pillow talk with Tae was one of your favourite things. You could be talking about serious things like your future, or your deepest and darkest worries while the other would console and reassure. Or the conversation would start with random and ridiculous questions or statements like,

"Have you ever thought about how everyone sees colours differently? Like two people are taught what the colour red is but they technically both see a different colour?"

"Tae what—"

Or, the time laying your heads on the pillows were spent with soft makeouts and loving each other.

It was past midnight, the previous hour having been filled with hot and adrenaline-filled lovemaking after Tae had gotten back from a week away with the boys. Neither of you could get to sleep afterwards, probably from the adrenaline still somehow coursing through your bloodstream. So you opted to end the night with pillow talk again with your naked bodies close and loosely entangled. While it was filled with a few silences, which were still comfortable and made up with many light kisses, you were both still able to come up with many conversation starters, making up for the time he was away.

While Tae was laying on his back, one of his arms was around you and pulled you closer as you softly locked your lips with his again and again. His lips were so, so warm and addictive. You both stopped to smile, with your eyes still closed and your faces still close together, your light, breathy giggles felt on each other's faces before you settled your head back on his shoulder. You sighed contentedly, wrapping your arm around his waist as he left a lingering kiss on your forehead.

"Do you remember when we first met?" he asked after a moment of silence.

You groaned in embarrassment. "Why are you bringing that up now?" you whined, wanting the duvet to swallow you up.

"So you do remember?" you couldn't see but you tell that a huge boxy smile was plastered on his face.

"Of course I do, it was the most embarrassing moment of my life!" you exclaimed.

"Yeah, but it was totally worth it," Tae cockily replied, although it was completely true.

A couple of years ago, after a job interview, which neither went good nor bad, you were on your way back to the hotel you were staying at. Walking towards the elevators you spotted one that was available, with two figures already inside, breaking out into a run when the doors started to close. Swiftly avoiding the little girl that almost ran into you, you just made it into the elevator. And who should you make eye contact with but BTS's Kim Taehyung. Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as you stared but you soon realised how awkward you must've made him feel so you quickly apologised then stood beside him, leaving some distance between.

"What floor?" you heard his deep voice resonate around the small space..

"Hm?" you looked up at him, heat igniting your cheeks as he repeated the question, "oh 6th floor please."

The other man, who you eventually came to know was his manager pressed the floor button for you and silence overcame. If you thought that being in the same elevator with your bias with no guts to utter a word was awkward, then what happened next was diabolical. Forgetting that you hadn't put your phone on silent, a notification came through and the notification sound you had set was….Tae's loud sneeze. 

It was funny at the time when you decided out of everything for that to be notification sound but right then?

You rummaged around in your bag for your phone, mostly to put it on silent, while muttering apologies. You couldn't see it, but Tae tried his best to hold in a smile, biting his lips, but a giggle made its way out and it gave you some sort of relief because at least he didn't find it offensive.

"So," he began, "are you army?"

You timidly nodded your head then turned to him. "Yeah," fiddling with your fingers you decided to speak up, "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

He assured you that he was fine and from there a spark ignited in the both of you leading to something so beautiful.

You had often wondered what it would be like if you hadn't met him under those circumstances, would it have been different? You couldn't bear to think of a life without him now.

"Do you think if we didn't meet in that elevator that we would be together?" you voiced out softly, your hand now smoothing out circles on his bare, broad chest.


"Well, I remember that I almost tripped over a little girl on the way," you giggled a little at the memory, "if I had actually bumped into her maybe I wouldn't have made it into the elevator and I wouldn't have met you at all."

Tae didn't say anything for a few seconds which made you look up at him. He hummed in acknowledgement, his lips pouting in thought.

"I don't think I agree."

"No?" you urged him on.

"No," he shook his head. "I believe in fate. If we were supposed to meet then, you know. And if we didn't meet then, we would have met at some point, I think."

It was your turn to him, a smile delighting your lips.

"You always know the right things to say," you said, before kissing his jaw. "I love you."

"I love you too, like destiny intended."

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