{ Chapter 1 }

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' Arghh my head- Jesus Christ, how much did i even drink last night?- ' Kate groaned as she looked around her surroundings. 

' WHY AM I OUTSIDE THE DORM!?!?!?!?!??! ' Kate's eyes popped out as she looked at the front gate to her dorm. 


' y-you go to be kidding me.....  Wasn't the lockdown gonna be in  like 3 DAYS FROM YESTREADY? wait then today is suppose to be.... JUST THE 2ND LAST DAY! why did.... huh? what the actual hell is going on? help- 

wait ....



' Sir SIR?!?!? ANYONE THERE?! ' Kate shouted as she entered the school's office box near the front gate. 

A old man slowly walks out with a irritated expression 

' What do you need miss? ' he asked, clearly grumped out. 

' Well from what i know, the lockdown begins from Sunday and today is FRIDAY. Why is the campus dormitory already in lockdown??? ' Kate asked as calmly as she could. Well cause internally she was freaking the fuck out. The reasons :-

1. she has no one to go to, in Seoul except the dorm cause she's a international student for hells sake. 

2. she didn't know how to speak fluent Korean cause she planned to... study it later, that is if she had to survive outside of the campus. And so she started searching her pockets and found that she had her phone, wallet?,... and her bike keys......  ' I don't at all remember keeping them in my pocket but... I guess this is the best it can get. 

And at the reply she got from the security guard, she knew she fucked up real hard. She was crying and screaming, DRUNK , for her parents all while holding a god damning beer bottle. And so she got kicked out of the dorm by the supervisor.  Great. Just fucking great. 

Covid 19, It had already started it's mass murder, and Seoul, sadly became a victim as well. The campus was supposed to go onto lockdown, 1 week from now. But the rapid increase of cases forced the schools and campuses to go into lockdown way too soon. 

Students who stayed in the city had no problem as they all left to their homes. The main problem were the campus dormitory students. It's fine for the people who were from Seoul but the international students were in deep shit. The lockdown was so suddenly announced with only 1 week prior time for international or students living in different regions of the country to leave. Well your " social bee Kate " wasn't gonna just sit down and do nothing. And so she threw the party. That one god damning party which had her kicked out of the dormitory. 

******* 1 days before the sudden lockdown ******

' I can't believe this is actually happening ' Niki spoke as he took a sip from his Juice bottle. Niki, Jake and Heeseung sat down one by one, on a random bench in their cafeteria. 

' It feels like it was yesterday,  when i saw the news of that one, cruise ship going into lockdown, on the news paper in the library. And now the whole damn country is going into lockdown. ' Heeseung sighed as he picked up his own juice box. 

Niki and Jake both nodded as they laid their heads down. 

' So Jake... you leaving tomorrow?.... ' Niki asked. He could feel a lump in his throat as he spoke. Jake and Heeseung were there for Niki during these two years of collage. It was fun...... with both of them. They made a badass trio and now..... Jake needs to go back. His family didn't want him staying away from family while this whole pandemic was going on. 

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