{ Chapter 11 }

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Taking a small water break, she sits herself down on the couch to read the article. She doesn't remember wishing to see something cool about him, given his reputation in the university. But what she had read was definitely not something she imagined.

Jay Park, known for his devilish aura caught in wild rumors while on lockdown?

The title made her let out a confused chuckle. No matter how much she wrecked her brain to wonder what he had done to make him get caught in hot waters, she found none. Mainly cause she was there with him, together from the start of the lockdown. And he seemed more human than other students she had met on the campus. 

The young 21 year old has been know for having his own dorm in Block A. And living alone doesn't always end up clean. As we all know about the body which had been removed from the flat coincidentally in front of his own, it makes everyone wonder if he could be related to the case. Him beginning in a wing where you would have to work on bodies, might just be more of the reason as to why he would be the perfect guilty party. 

As if the whole post didn't make sense, the comments almost threw her off cause of how rude they could be. Heartless creatures she would say. 

Don't you remember the silent boy case lol? I'm telling ya'll he's definitely a complete wreck. 

A m*rdere you mean kekeke 

Maybe he thinks his looks make up for all the shit he does. F*cking  A**hole. 

She scowled at how sickening the comments were. Lifting her head up from the phone, she scanned the kitchen for Jay. He wasn't present. So she get's up, making her way towards the bedroom, where she was sure she would find Jay. She knocked the door, waiting for answer. 

A short, low growl like " yes " meets her ear. She tried to digest the small sound which he made and when she did, her heart felt tingly. She grabs the door nob and walks in to see Jay working out. His toned body on full view as sweat dripped off his hard chest. Small, low, growls, escaped his mouth as he pushed his body upwards. His whole upper body hardening at the movement. 

She just stood there, watching him complete his set. 

He stops for a second, looking at her, while taking deep breaths. ' I have one last set left. Can we talk after that? ' He questions as he looks at her. His eyes looking straight at her. 

' Sure ' She whispered in the low voice which she could emit. 

He nods his head , a ghost smile spreading on his face. He turns his concentration towards his work out again. But, unknown to Y/n, she didn't move a inch as she stood there. Staring at the boy in front of he like a creep. 

' You know ' a small huff leaves his mouth. ' I don't mind audience either. ' He says, huffing again. 

And that catches Y/n's attention. ' N-No! ' She shakes her head and turns around, her back facing him.  ' N-nothing like that. I-I, It's been long since i have seen someone work out, so like. . Y-yea.. I'll wait outside.' She announces and makes a run to the living room. 

' Y/n, The door! ' Jay shouts, from the bedroom. 

' Y-Yea!, coming! ' She walks back towards the door and that was it. She couldn't take her eyes away from what she was viewing. His back, seemed so broad and big. The way his back muscles contrasted and released themselves, almost made her knees go weak. The low whimpers and small low growls which he emitted, was like music to her ears. All of a sudden, she wouldn't mind if that was the only music left on earth. Her jaw was on the floor by now. 

Not hearing the door close, Jay stops working out and turns his head towards the door, meeting eyes with the girl. 

' Did you see a ghost? Why is your mouth open. ' He questions as he grabs a towel, tapping his sweat away.  

Her eyes open wide slightly at the fact that she infact, did end up seeing his work out even when she said she wouldn't. To cover up her embarrassment, she gives him a toothy smile. 

' Ha ha ha. . ha ha ' She rubbed her neck while staring at the floor below her. What she failed to realize was the fact that Jay had already creeped up on her, standing few inches away from her.  

' Y/n. . . ' He whispered. She looked up into his eyes and she got lost the moment she did. Her eyes couldn't stand still, as they roamed all around his face. The way small sweat drops, slid down his sides and the way some of the hair stuck to his face cause of the sweat made his look so breath taking.  His eye moles looked so clear as well, which made her want to kiss them. This thought made her gulp. He, on the other hand, didn't speak and just stared at her. Taking in of the view presented for him. 

His hands, subconsciously made their way up towards her hair, tucking away some baby hairs which stood out behind her ear. 

' I've always wanted to do that.. ' He whispered, and as he did, Y/n could feel her cheeks heating up. All warmth from her body rose to her face. Yet she maintained eye contact. 

' What do you mean? ' She questions, half air and half words. 

' I wanted. . .  .  i have OCD and your hair was standing out. ' And off he went, shutting the room's door on her face. 

Slowly letting whatever happened sink in, she makes her way to the sofa. Taking a seat, she slams the closest cushion onto her face. Screaming a little in the process. 

He has gone nuts. 

How could he do Something like that and act as if everything is fine?

Does he know what he is doing to me? 


Wait. . . . 

Did he hurt his head while working out? 

As she processed the thought, the sight of him working out slowly loomed into her head. 

Another whack with the cushion. She could feel her head spinning now. Her heart felt all tingly and her whole body felt hot. Grabbing the thermometer which sat under the mini table, she checks her body for any signs of fever. Pressing her eyes closed she wished it was above 102*F so that she could cross out the possibility of anything else. Yet to her utter dismay, it read 98*F. 

Cursing his name she burred her head into the cushion. She could grasp each and every concept, every topic without a hurdle yet, this emotion she was feeling right now, made her feel so small. It felt completely new and. . . .  foreign. 

She oddly felt nervous as well. 

And slowly enough the thoughts about the article slipped into her brain, Calming her racing heart down. She began to think as to how she could approach the topic in front of him. Was she supposed to just say, 'Hey! did you see the wild rumors you got dragged into?'. . . . . . . . .  That was too hurtful. 

' Hey. . . um did you check the black bo- No what the- um- '

Wait. . . . am I malfunctioning right now? Tch, who's ass am I kidding. No shit sherlock I am in fact malfunctioning. 

Toasting her water glass into the air, she clangs it with the ghost's cup and proceeds to gulp it down. 

'May the strongest contender win.' 

[ Authors notes ]

I do not tolerate hate towards Jay. This is just for the story .

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