{ Chapter 15 }

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Gently placing her hands over his eyes, covering them she releases a sigh she didn't realize she was holding. 

' W-what's wrong? are you okay? ' She asks, her eyes still covering his eyes. ' Why have you blocked my vision? ' He questioned. His voice sounded defeated, yet laced with a emotion which made her insides dance. He still had that effect. 

' When ever I get scared or feel lost, I close my eyes like this and like to think, and somehow I find myself right back on track where I need to be. It's like the darkness fixes me and puts me back as a whole. I. . . . . I just felt like you needed to calm down an think for sometime. I'll wait. I promise'

Jay never understood what they meant when they say, " That sentence had made his/her heart feel warm" but he could feel it now. The feeling of being cared, looked out and most importantly, feeling loved. All he ever felt was the feeling of being empty, with nothing to feel about. The small day to day stuff which people find happiness in, never excited him. He didn't feel pity, he never knew how to love and always stood away from that foreign feeling. Yet his heart had somehow found it. The love which he never knew he could find.

  Removing her delicate hands from his eyes, he holds them, tightly. 

' Why is it that, just when I was for sure that in this life, I wouldn't have a lover, is that, you had walked in. . . ? The walls I had built, the monsters who fought in my head all through out the day and even. . . even these cold apartment walls felt livable the moment I had realized I would have to live with you through out the whole 5 mouth lockdown. It's like the universe had hand picked you for me ' He spoke, his gaze fixed onto the girl. His fingers gently brushed over her fingers, caressing them as gently as possible. 

' you oddly fix me in a way I haven't ever imagined someone would Y/n ' He whispers as he gently pulls her into his embrace again, hugging her close. 

' Y-You. . .  ' She felt like her whole damn dictionary had vanished. She was left speechless all of a sudden. Her face felt red as she lost her one and only turn to talk as Jay began to speak again, making her heart race. Everything about him just made her feel a away she couldn't quite comprehend.   

' This might sound weird as fuck. Heck it could as be too shocking for you and you could.. reject if you wanna, but I think I might have just associated the word love with you' 

Y/n felt her last braincells fighting. Her face changed from a confused one to a smiley one. Exploding into a fit of laughter she slaps his shoulder in the process. 

' A weird way to confess but yes ' 

' That quick? usually a boy get's the girl some flowers or some chocolate or like makes something for the girl and then get's down on one knee and then she accepts. . ' He takes a deep breath. He was always the type to jump in first and then think. Well he had confessed but. . .  if he need to be completely true, he was sure he would get smacked on his face and the next moment Y/n would be walking out of his apartment and his life would go back to being the same boring life but this time with a twist. Bro got fucking rejected the first ever time he confessed.

But that wasn't even close to what had happened. He didn't get rejected. . .and to makes things even better he had gotten accepted. 

He wanted to jump, hug, scream and kiss her so badly but he held himself.  

' Y/n. . . ' He spoke. 

' Yes. . ?' She replied. 

' I wanna kiss you ' He didn't hesitate. Not this time. 

' . . . . . ' 

He spoke again. 

' I don't want to kiss you like they do in the movies. I want to do it. . like the books. I want to take my time, exploring each part of you'

' I wanna know how you react to my kisses and what I do to you. I wanna feel you kissing me back and enjoying what I'm doing to you' he could feel his breathing quicken.

' I need you to feel comfortable enough to let me get close to you. Close to the most important piece of you and even though I might not be the most perfect person whom you would found, I wish to perfect for you. I wish I could love you cherish you and be the prefect man you deserve' 

Their faces had come so close that they could feel each other breathing. The way their noses touched each other with every word he spoke felt like electricity passing down their bodies. 

' Jay. . . kiss me ' 

That's it. That was enough to make him lose his last grip of his dignity. Grasping onto her neck, he pulled her in close, kissing her gently but with a eagerness. His lips moves in sync with her as both of them got dragged into a moment of rapturous. He had never felt his heart beat this fast and happily. It's like his heart greedily wanted more and more of the girl, just for himself. A feeling he had never felt before, yet here he was feeling and living though it now. And the best part? He is loving every second of it. No worries, no extra thoughts, Just love and happiness. 

On the other hand Y/n was almost the same. Both of them couldn't really wrap around the fact that they are kissing each other even though its only been a good 48 hours since they had gotten to know one and other.

 Yet it felt like their hearts have longed for each other to be together for a whole eternity. A whole century which they had spent broken and cold, so that the warmth of one can defrost the other. 

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