{ Chapter 8 }

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The sun set itself down completely as the night sky come into view. The stars shone a extra shine on this night. A night where everything felt. . . . Odd, yet good. The feeling of warmth spread through the night which made her wonder if only she felt this way. The warmth of the cardigan and the tea in her hand acted as a hot pack for the cold winter breeze. She didn't realize, not until this moment that sitting in a balcony with some tea and plants could be this healing.   

Though the air might be deadly right now, it felt like the air around her was healthier than ever. She takes a deep breath, her exacts thoughts were, This air is legit cleaning me in and out. 

Jay seriously did a amazing job grooming the garden. That's a fact. 

A knock on the door, startles her out of her wits. 

'Shit-' She cursed under her breath. She turns around and spots Jay. His eerie appearance made her wonder if he saw a ghost. 

There were weird eye bags under his eyes and his eyes twitched creepily. He looked inflated. Y/n slides the door open and gestures him outside. He steps out and glances at her and the cup and then back at her, and finally something snaps inside of him and he bows down. His hair ends slightly brushing her hand, sending goosebumps all over her hands.  

She grabs arms and pulls him back into his proper posture. 

What are you doing? 

She mouthed him. His gaze so strong that she could have melted off it wasn't for that fact that she was holding onto him. His eyes bored right into her, as if he was searching for something in them. His eyes shone like they held a millions stars. Even galaxies would fit. She wondered how his eyes could shine so brightly, even in the dark. The city lights were present but not as bright as his eyes were. His long eyelashes which she would kill to have, fit his face just so right. And the moment she spotted two small moles below his eyes, the conner of her lips lifted up ever so light, causing her to give him a small smile. Her hands, as if in their own world, lifted themselves up to touch his eyes, causing him to flutter his eyes at the contact. He was stunned, but the moment she touched his face, a small spark flew between the both of them. His face suddenly painted red.


She unconsciously and excitingly intertwined her hands with his huge and warms ones as she turns around, to face the red and orange fiery lights which seemed to give the lonely sky a splash of beauty.

Her small smile now had turned into a big beautiful smile, which caused Jay's heart to run. The fact that he had seem many women laugh and smile in his life, but none of them affected him as much as the smile which this girl in front of him was displaying made his heart do flips. As she turned her glistening eyes towards his, he acted fool. 

Aren't they pretty?  She mouthed him. It still was a mystery as to how he could read her lips so well. It was almost like he knew he knew each and every word, thought, feeling, emotion she was feeling. 

' Pretty.. very very pretty' He murmured out like a whisper as he tore his face away from her. Indeed the fireworks were pretty. Slowly enough they came to a stop and the warmth of her hands left his, causing a sense of longing to have his hands back in hers. He clears his throat and runs his hands through his hair. 

' You can sleep in the bedroom tonight. I'll do my work in the living room. And i won't take no as a answer. I insist.' He speaks as his eyes stayed glued to the sky, almost like he was avoiding her. 

She nods her head as a small smile spread over her face. She definitely was sleepy but she didn't want to slept yet. She felt as though, if she didn't live this moment, it would be a waste. A waste of precious time, and she wasn't gonna let it go. A light blub went off in her head and she gently grabbed his wrist as she pulled him with her into the bedroom. Opening the book and noting down her thoughts, she accidently shoves the book onto his face. Her face breaks into a cheeky apologize smile and motions him to read the book. 

If  your not busy. . .  how about playing some games? to get to know each other?

He smiles a bit and nods. 'Sure. We could do that and it could also help you voice come back' He spoke, still nodding at the idea she suggested.

Her eyes almost sparkled at the thought of getting her voice back. She nods her head excitedly and drags him into the living room. 

' You wanna play in the living room? ' He asked as his eyes judged her slightly. 

Does he not wanna play in the living room? She walks over to him and takes position right beneath his face. Her hands behind her back as she stared at him while slightly tilting her head. 

And almost like he understood what she was thinking, he shakes his head, indicating a no. 

' It's not that i don't want to do it. . .  you know what, we can do it. Fine'  He walks over towards the sofa and and takes a seat, tapping the place beside him 'Take a seat where ever you want.' He releases a big sigh, a ghost smile appearing on his face. She nods her head and sits down on the opposite side of the sofa. 'How are you gonna speak with me though?' He questions as he turns around on the sofa, so that he would be facing the girl. She slightly hits her head as she get's up again and makes a run into the bedroom to grab her book and pencil. She runs back and stops behind the sofa. 

Everything is gonna be fine right?. . 

yea. . .

everything is gonna be fine. . . 

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