Chapter 6

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"No doubt about it?" Sachio asked Shojii who was now out of a coma and had been transferred to a private room.

"Yes. No doubt about it. They were the guys following Yui around. The guys from Kidra." Shojii answered as Sachio looked out the window.

"I'm sorry if it took so long for me to wake up.. If I did so earlier, Housen wouldn't have been in the useless fight." He apologized as Sachio frowned.

"Don't be stupid. None of that was your fault.

A thought had already formed in his mind and a decision has been made.

Kidra is going down.


Meanwhile on the other side of the city was Fujio Hanaoka, thinking the same thought as Ueda Sachio of Housen.

He needed to put an end to this. No more mind games and no more holding back.

Madoka had told him and others why Arata was doing this. His mother was sick and had been in the hospital for quite some time now.

The lovely woman had cancer and her children were doing all they could to pay her medical bills.

Fujio promised Seijii that he would bring Arata back and that nothing could ever tear them apart again.

He looked at the rest of Oya who looked at him sadly. From the look on their faces, they all knew what he was planning and what was going to happen.

"What's wrong, you guys?" He said before walking towards Hope Hill. "Cut the meek attitude."

"You planning on going alone?" Tsukasa asked as he walked alongside his best friend.

"That's uncool, dude!" Jamuo complained, following the two.

"That's right," Nakaoka answered, walking with them.

"What's more, their hideout is in our housing estate." Kiyoshi chimed in.

"In that case, this involves us too." "That's for sure." Answered Tsuji and Shibaman, soon enough Fujio had the entire faction of Oya (minus the seniors) behind him.

"You're not gonna invite me this time?" Fujio turned his head and the others followed suit to see Todoroki walking towards them.

"You came to me begging when we fought Housen." He reminded as Fujio laughed.

"Okay." He sighed before looking towards the path to Hope Hill once more.

"Let's do this!" He yelled and shouts of agreement followed as they all walked towards a place some of them once called home.


Fujio faced the once beautiful Hope Hill, the letters from the gate's arch now missing a few letters.

What once read 'Welcome to Hope Hill' now read 'Welcome to Hell'.

It was barricaded with old cars, steel bars, and red police tape. There were broken-down gates as well as other garbage.

It looked more like a defunct junkyard than an old housing estate.

He sighed as he thought of what was about to take place.


His thoughts were interrupted by footsteps coming. He turned to his left and was surprised to see Housen.

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