Chapter 18: I Don't Wanna Be The One Only Overjoyed

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"I'm sorry." I said to Adam while Nikki talked to John.

His features twisted, "About what?" He asked.

"Oh, you know what. Don't make me say it because I sure as hell know you wouldn't want to hear it." I told him.

"True." He agreed. "How did you know?"

"I'm pretty good at detecting people's feelings."

"Except for when they're towards you." He pointed out.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't happen very often. I don't know what it looks like yet."


I was sitting in my bed with my laptop when Nikki walked into room 10 in a crop top and shorts and stated "We're going to a movie tonight."

"Hmm, alright." Amy said. "What movie?"

"I don't know we'll choose when we get there." She said, sitting next to me on my bed.

"I'm in." Ashley said.

Nikki turned to me, "How about it, Red?"

I shook my head, "I don't feel like going out tonight. I think I'll just catch up on youtube videos."

"Count me in!" Eliza said, walking into the room.

"Movie?" Amy asked.

"Nope, youtube." Eliza answered, jumping onto my bed. She turned to me, "Can we watch Dan first though?"

"Sure." I answered and started typing 'danisnotonfire' into the youtube search bar. "You guys have fun at the movie. Bring me back some candy."

"Me too!" Eliza called after them as they walked out the door.

"Will do!" Ashley called back and shut the door behind her.


"Okay, that's the last of Dan. I'm guessing Caspar now?" Liz asked.

"You guessed right." I said. There was a knock on the door and I jumped up to answer it.

"Charlieeee," I heard Adam's voice whine through the door. "Let me in, I'm lonelyyy." I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

"Idiot." I laughed.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"Youtube," Eliza answered. "What else?"

"I don't understand your guys' youtube obsession." He said.

"We like watching attractive, funny guys on the internet; there isn't much else to understand." I said. "How many new Caspar videos are there?"

"Only one." She said, scooting over on the bed so Adam and I could sit down.

I sighed, "Okay."

"Are you genuinely upset about that?" Adam asked, laughing.

"Yes, I am genuinely upset about that, shut up."

Eliza laughed and handed me the laptop and I played Caspar's latest video.

"Hi," His voice came through the speakers. "My name is Caspar Lee but before I get to the actual video, a boy contacted me and told me that the girl he liked watches my videos and thought this would be a good idea. So, Charlotte Woods, Nick Pearsen would like to know if you will go to homecoming with him. Call him or text him or whatever you kids do these days with your answer."

I paused the video out of shock.

"Oh my god." Liz said. "What are you gonna say?"

"Say no." Adam said.


"What, Char? He's a huge dick; you shouldn't go out with him."

"How would you even know that? He's seriously so swe-"

"Actually, Charlie," Eliza interrupted. "He's really rude. And mean. And very, very perverted."

I looked at her in disbelief, "Are you serious? You too?"

"And Amy. And Ashley. And Nikki." She told me.

"And the whole school." Adam added on.

I gave Eliza the laptop and got out of the bed, "I can't believe you guys." I change out of my pajama pants and pulled on some jeans. "God, you guys barely even know him. You don't know him like I do."

"Charlie-" Adam started.

"No, Adam, I don't want to hear it. Can't you guys just support me and be happy for me?" I asked. They both looked at each other and then back at me, not saying anything. "Huh, I guess not." I grabbed my phone, put it in my back pocket and headed towards the door.

"Charlie, where are you going?" Eliza asked.

"To find Nick." I said, opening the door. I turned back towards them, "And just so you know, I'm saying yes." And I walked out, slamming the door behind me.


I knocked on Nick's door ten minutes later. He opened the door and smiled.

"Come in." He said. I walked in and sat on one of the beds.

"I saw the video." I told him.

"And?" He asked nervously.

I nodded, "Yes."

He grinned and picked me up, hugging me and spinning me around. He set me down and kissed me.

"Good, I'm excited. Are you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm super excited, but my friends aren't exactly." I told him.

"They aren't happy for you?"

"Nope. They don't seem to like you. They said you're rude and mean, but I told them you aren't because they don't know you like I do." I said, smiling up at him.

"No, they don't." He said, smiling back at me. "It's getting late; you should just stay here tonight."

"Yeah, alright." I said. "Maybe I shouldn't have changed out of my pajama pants then."

Nick laughed, "You can borrow some of my sweats."

"Okay, thanks." I smiled. "Let me just text Eliza really quick."

"Okay." He said, going through a drawer. I took out my phone, went to my messages and started typing out a new text to Eliza.

'Ashley or Adam or whoever can sleep in my bed tonight. I won't be needing it.'

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