Chapter 16: A Plan Without A Plan

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"Ah!" Adam yelled, throwing popcorn across the room at the TV. "Pacey and Joey are meant to be together!" He'd been sitting there for literally the entire day.

"I know," I sighed, picking up all the popcorn kernals that had fallen on the ground during his many failed attempts to hit the TV. "But we all had to suffer through the season five pains. It's just a part of life."

He threw the popcorn at me this time. "AHHH."

"You're making a mess," I whined, trying to continue picking up after him.

"Yeah, yeah," he responded, stuffing his face with popcorn, eyes still glued to the TV.

"Adam," I said, putting a hand on my hip. "I hate to say this, but I feel that I must. You're a seventeen year old boy. You're devotion to watching Dawson's Creek reruns is both depressing and pathetic. And you're getting butter on my comforter."

He paused the TV angrily and turned to me. "Okay, what's your issue, Liz? You sat here with me through the first four seasons. You threw a fair share of that popcorn during their first two breakups. And suddenly it's like Pacey and Joey don't even matter to you anymore. Where is your pride, woman?"

"Where's yours, man."

He scooted over, making room for me next to him. "C'm'ere."

I flopped down next to him and heaved a huge sigh. He poked my cheek, making me smile involuntarily.

"You're acting much more angst-y at sixteen than you were at fourteen," he commented, poking me again.

"Yeah, well, you know," I said, propping myself up on my side. "It's just one of those things."

"One of those things you make up when you're really being hormonal?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Why can't we just sit and enjoy Dawson's Creek?"

"No one enjoys season five of this show. Not even the actors liked it."

"This is true. But not why you're upset. If season five were your only care in the world, we'd be watching it, and you'd be complaining with me, in true Elizabeth Peters fashion."

"We agreed on something."

"A marathon?"

"A plan. We agreed that you'd break up Alex and Christina, and I would help you with your problem. But, in case you haven't noticed, we don't exactly have a break up plan."

"Riiiggghhht," he said, nodding, this thought occuring to him for the first time. "A plan without a plan. Irony."

"You've been stalking him for over a week and you have nothing?"

"Shhhh," he says, placing a finger to my lips. "A plan." He sat up and rubbed his chin, like he was in a movie. "Let me think about this one. It's gotta be good."

"Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Ohmigod!" Amy squealed, running into our room, pulling a protesting Ashley with her. "Josh asked me to homecoming," she announced, bouncing with excitement.

"Yeah?" Nikki asked, grinning and looking up from her homework.

Amy just squealed in response.

"Aw," Charlie said, hugging Amy, who squealed some more.

"Josh Fisher?" Adam asked, clearly disturbed. "Gross."

Nikki rolled her eyes. "No one asked you."

But Amy frowned, not quite ready to let it go. "Why do you hate all of our choices in guys?"

"I don't hate all of your choices in guys- well, I do hate all of your choices in guys, Ames- but collectively, as a group, not so much."

Charlie rolled her eyes at him.

"What?" Adam questioned, defensively. "Your boyfriend is an ass, Char. Amy's boyfriend is obnoxious, but I think that's just your type. Nikki's boyfriend is an idiot, and kinda a prick."

"You're not bitter," Nikki mumbled under her breath.

"Alex isn't the brightest bulb in the box," he continued, ignoring Nikki. "But he means well. I do like Mark though. He's a keeper."

Ashley groaned, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't need your approval of my boyfriend, Roy."

Adam seemed to weigh this. "See you say that, but I know that deep down you all crave my approval."

"I think it's time for Adam to leave now," I said, jumping up as Ash barred her teeth. I shuffled him to the door.

"Don't come back if you can help it!" Nikki shouted after him.

"Yeah, yeah," came his response as i shut the door after him.

Ash stared at me, as if trying to read my mind. "What's up with you two?" she asked curiously.

"Who two?" Amy asked, happily oblivious.

"Adam and Liz. They've been hanging out a lot lately."

"No we haven't," I said a little too quickly. "He's just, uh, here a lot. And so am I. I live here. And now he does too, and, uh-"

"Chill, Eliza, no one thinks somethings happening between you and Adam." Nikki reassured me.

"We don't?" Ashley asked.

"No," Charlie confirmed. "Liza's a love-sick puppy remember. Alex Larsen with his beautiful eyes."

"He does have really pretty eyes!" I defended.

"Riiigggghhhhhtttttt," Ash smiled, Adam forgotten. "About that."

"About nothing!" Amy said. "Alex has a girlfriend remember."

We all glared at her.

"We agreed not speak of that," Nikki told her.

"The point is that Homecoming is coming up and Alex doesn't seem to be breaking up with his girlfriend any time soon. Which leaves you without a date."

"Unless she wants to go with Adam," Ash said.

"God, no," I told her. I looked at my friends and realized for the first time ever all four of them would have dates to the homecoming dance. What is that, ninth wheeling? I frowned. "I could go alone..." I said.

Charlie shrugged. "Well we don't actually know if we'll all get asked. Just cause Nik, Ash and Amy have boyfriends. I mean, Nick hasn't mentioned the dance..."

"He's gonna ask you, Char. He'd be an idiot not to," Nikki said, reassuringly.

I laughed. "Well according to Adam, he's an idiot anyway."

Charlie rolled her eyes at me, but after a few moments her expression softened. "You really think he'll ask me?"

"Of course he will," I told her. "And I will, once again, be going alone. Three years running."

Depressing huh? Forever Alone Eliza.

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