Chapter 20: I'm Miss Sugar Pink

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I walked into room 10, finding Charlie in her natural habitat - sitting in front of her computer with earbuds in her ears.

"Char!" I yelled over the music that was probably blaring in her ears.

"Jesus, Amy, you don't have to yell!" She said after jumping a little.

"You had earbuds in." I explained.

"Oh," Charlie reached up and took them out of her ears. "Guess I forgot to play music."

I laughed, "Whatever, let's go shopping, we have to get our homecoming dresses."

Charlie perked up, "Yes!" She stood up and ran around the dorm, getting her keys, phone and wallet and putting her shoes on. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.

"So, what color are you wearing?" Charlie asked me as we walked through the mall, dodging other girls and boys looking for their perfect homecoming outfits.

"Pink!" I answered. Charlie put a confused look on her face.

"Josh is wearing pink?" She asked.

"And I quote, 'real men wear pink' end quote." I said.

"That is the lamest thing I've heard in a while," Charlie told me with a straight face. "and I talked to my little brother today."

I laughed and linked my arm with her's, "What about you?" I asked as we walked into Charlotte Russe.

"Blue!" She answered. "It works well with my hair."

"That it does." I agreed. I pulled a tight dark pink dress off of a rack and held it up to me.

"You're more of a light pink person." Charlie commented.

"Yeah, I am." I said, nodding. "So, Nick asked you, huh?"

"Yep." Charlie responded, holding a light blue dress up and then folding it and putting it back down.

"Charlie-" I started.

"I know, Ames," She interrupted. "you don't like him, you think he's a jerk, I know."

"Oh," I said. "we're just looking out for you."

"Like I said, I know, but Nick is sweet to me. I promise, he is. I can look out for myself, okay?"

"Okay, okay." I said, dropping the subject. I picked up and light pink strapless dress with countless sequins on it. "How about this one?"

Charlie's eyes lit up, "Yes, perfect!"

"Yay!" I shouted. "Now we just have to find you a dress."

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