Chapter 8: I Still Get Those Stupid Butterflies

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"How's Josh?" I asked Amy when she walked through the door, coming back from a study date with the one and only Josh Fisher.

Amy gave me an annoyed look, "How's Nick Pearsen?" She shot back.

"How would I know?" I asked.

"You were grinding up all over him at Eric's party. How am I supposed to know you two didn't exchange numbers?" I hated when Amy answered with even more questions.

"No... We exchanged numbers... And I wasn't grinding up on him!" I said.

"That's not what Nikki said." Amy sung. "And if you have Nick's number, why don't you just text him?"

"I don't want to."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"Fine, I do."

"So text him!" Amy cried out.

"It's not that easy, Ames." I said, fiddling with my phone in my hand.

"And why not?" Amy asked. "Just text him 'Hey' with a smiley face or something."

"But what if he doesn't remember me?" I asked. "What if he was drunk or high?"

"Did he seem drunk or high?"

"Well... No."

"Then, please, end both of our miseries and text him!"

I stood my ground, "No, Amy."

"Why noooooot?" Amy whined, flopping onto her bed.

"If he's interested in me, he'll make the first move." I explained.

"Who'll make the first move?" Nikki asked as she, Liz, and Ash walked through the door.

"Nick Pearsen." Amy said before I could make a sound.

"I still didn't get the full story on that." Ash said, crossing her arms.

I shrugged, "We danced at Eric's party."

"And...?" The other four girls said simultaneously.

"There's no 'and'!"

"We all know there is, Char. There's no use in lying." Nikki said. She was right. No matter how good I was at lying, my four best friends could always see past them.

"We might have... kissed... a little." I muttered.

"NO WAY." Amy yelled. I nodded.

"My little Charlotte is growing up!" Nikki exclaimed, wrapping me in a hug.

"It was just a kiss, guys, calm down." I said.

"If he kissed you, he's interested in you. Text him." Eliza ordered. Just then my phone started singing Eyes Open by Taylor Swift and both Amy and I dove for it. After a small struggle, Amy pried the phone out of my hand.

"She doesn't have to." She said, waving my phone in the rest of the girls' face.

"Amy!" I whined.

"It's a text from Nick!" Nikki announced. "Let's see what this puppy says." Nik cleared her throat and read the text out loud. "Hey, Charlotte, just wondering if you were busy this Friday, smiley face."

"Charlie's got a boyfriend!" Ashley sung.

"I do not!" I argued, grabbing the phone out of Nikki's hands.

"Not yet, anyway." Eliza said.

"You better text him back and say you're free, Freckles." Amy said.

"Fine!" My thumbs glided over the screen as I texted him back. I pressed send and threw my phone on my bed. "There. Happy?"

My four best friends smiled, "Very."


'This is the most boring class ever in life.' said the text I got from Nikki in the middle of math.

'Tell me about it.' I texted back.

Nik replied almost immediately, 'What are you writing, anyway?'

I looked up at the piece of lined paper on my desk with the lyrics to Stutter by Maroon 5 scrawled on them.

'I think you know.'

'What song?'

'Stutter by Maroon 5'

'That's a hot song.'

I laughed softly, 'The singer is hot, too.'

'Send me a pic.'

I sent her my favorite picture of Adam Levine, the one where he's basically naked.

'OH HOT DAMN. haha, what's his name?'

'Adam Levine.'

I heard a small groan across the room and looked over to Nikki who was texting me back.

'Why must his name be Adam?'

hello! sorry for such the long wait. i might be a little banned from the computer. so i can only update when the padres aren't home. did i mention i'm almost fluent in spanish? no? alright. well, i think the next chapter is already waiting to be published, so i think that should be up soon. 

Love Always,


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