Chapter 14: You're Not Sorry

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                If you asked me why it was I hated Adam Roy, I’d tell you what every logical semi-sane girl in our school would. I’d say it was because he’d single-handedly stolen the virginities of half the girls attending PA. That he was the number one cause for break-ups between our schools seemingly picture perfect couples. I could tell you that it was because of how cocky he was or how freshmen year homecoming had been cancelled because of a prank, he still hadn’t manned up to. There were hundreds of valid, good reasons to hate Adam Roy.

                But the truth was, I hated him for only one, illogical reason. I hated him because he was the only boy on the face of the planet to get under Nicolet Romero’s skin. I hated him because my best friend had once loved him.

                And it was a good enough reason for me.


                 “Are you sure you don’t have any stuff in-“ Mark tried to finish his sentence but I cut him off.

                “I don’t have anything in her room,” The words leaving both a bitter yet familiar taste in my mouth.

                He studied the boxes I had called him in here to carry, “Are you sure because-“

                I rolled my eyes. Have I always had to repeat myself? “Positive.”

                Nikki let a soft, amused chuckle escape from where she was seated next to Charlie on Eliza’s bed.

                If I didn’t loather her as much as I loathe She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named, I may have smiled at her. But instead all I could do was glare at her like the traitor she is.

                Adam walked in, wearing a shirt that not even Mike, the gay jock in 10th grade, would wear in public and a smirk that gave you an idea where he had just been.

                Charlie, a little more innocent then the rest of us, asked, “Where have you been?”

                “Well,” he said, sitting himself next to Eliza, who was on the ground making t-shirt that I was too pissed to ask about. “I was just-“

                “We don’t want to know,” Nikki and I said in union. She smiled and I looked away from her.

                Adam just then must have realized my boyfriend. Despite his size, people tended to walk right by him.                 “Hey Mark,” he said nodding, as if they were friends.

                “Hey,” Mark said and a stupid, polite smile crossed his face. What an idiot, what a traitor. He was just as bad as the rest of them.

                “Mark,” I hissed and he looked up me, realizing he did something wrong.

                “Let’s go,” I told him and he nodded, picking up the boxes.

                “Charlie, we’re going,” I told her and she looked up at me, her red hair in her eyes.

                “Oh,” she said and I already knew I wasn’t going to like whatever it was she said. “Well, I thought I’d wait for Amy, she’d said she would come by after her date with Josh.”

                “Charlie,” I said again, slower this time. “We’re going.”

                She blinked, “Okay.”


                Nikki rolled her eyes and put her hand on Charlie’s arm. The nerve. “Stay.”

                “Yeah,” Eliza piped up. “You can stay if you want to.”

                Adam just sat there, watching us. Smug bastard.

                “Yeah,” he said, his voice pitching in what he must think we sound like. “Charlie, you can stay.”

                “You’re not a part of this, lover boy,” I hissed and he at least had the decency to shut up.

                “I’ll go,” Charlie said quietly, getting up.

                “Good,” was all I said and pretended as if I didn’t see the way Nikki and Charlie were looking at me.

Hey guys,

I am sorry about our lack of uploads. I've been busy. You know school, Mark, and moving. More uploads will be coming soon though. Sorry.


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