Chapter 3: Take Me by the Hand, Take Me Somewhere New.

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   Curled red hair, red lipstick – bright but in the most subtle way possible, high-waisted black shorts and a lacy light blue crop top that showed bits and pieces of the white bra underneath. This is what I saw when I looked in the mirror; I was no longer Charlotte Woods.

                I wasn’t very fond of what Nikki had put me in, except for the shorts. Not to brag or anything but they made my butt look pretty damn good.

                I cocked my head to the side while I looked over myself in the mirror one more time. I wasn’t the prettiest girl in the school. Then again, I wasn’t the ugliest. It didn’t seem like my appearance was why I didn’t have many boyfriends, though. My poor social skills were what caused the lack of flirting, partying, and boys.

                I took a deep breath and braced myself for what would happen when I walked out of the bathroom. Lord knows what shoes that girl would put me in.

                The second I turned the doorknob, Nikki flung the door open, a huge grin plastered on her face, “Charlie! You look absolutely gorgeous. Why do you always hide that amazing body of yours under those concert tees?”

                I gave her a look, “my body isn’t amazing. It’s my metabolism that everyone’s jealous of.” Nikki rolled her eyes.

                “You know I like my bands.” I stated.

                Nikki started ushering me towards her shoe closet, “I know, I know.” She bent down, grabbed a pair of light brown suede ankle boot wedges. I silently thanked god she didn’t put me in 5 inch heels.

                “You know, Nikki, I don’t have to go to the party,” I said. “I don’t want to drag you down or anything.”

                “Excuse me, I just spent two hours doing your hair and makeup and another half hour finding you something to wear. You are going to the party.” Nikki said. I threw my head back in frustration. “You’ll have fun, don’t worry.”

                “It better be fun.” I muttered. I slipped on the shoes and we started walking to the car.

                “You know what you should do with those concert tees?” Nikki asked.


                “Cut them into crop tops.”

                This time, I was the one rolling my eyes.

                . . . . . . 

                When Nikki opened the front door to Eric’s house – without knocking, might I add – the loud thumping music and the smell of alcohol and illegal drugs almost made me stumble backwards before she practically dragged me into the house. We quickly found Eliza, pouring herself a cup of punch, which was most definitely spiked.

                “Liz!” Nikki yelled over the music and tapped her on the shoulder. Eliza turned around and smiled.

                “Hey, Nik!” She yelled. She turned to me and her mouth dropped a little, “Oh my god, Freckles, look at you! You look great.”

                The corners of my lips lifted, “Thanks, Liz.”

                “Hand me two cups, would you?” Nikki asked a guy across the table. She took the cups, filled them, and handed one to me.

                I opened my mouth to protest, but she stopped me, “We are not leaving until you have a least one full cup of this. Wouldn’t you rather get it over with?”

                I sighed, took the cup out of her hand and sipped it. The alcohol burned my throat, but the punch itself did taste pretty good.

                I followed Nikki out to the back patio where a group of guys were playing some type of beer pong. She started cheering them on and after a few more sips of the spiked punch, and I built the courage to join in. 

                “Let’s go dance!” Nikki suggested when the game ended. Still not buzzed enough to just let go, I hesitated, which Nik noticed immediately.

                “Come on.” She said, pulling me towards the temporary dance floor – which actually looked like the living room. With her drink still in her hand, she started swaying her hips and doing exactly what I needed to do.

                Just let go.

                I tipped my cup up, the alcohol slipping through my lips. Nikki smiled at me, “There we go, Char! Let go of all your worries tonight; just have fun!”

                I took another gulp of my punch and felt energy surge through my body. I started moving just like Nik and I actually did start having fun. I finished my drink, suddenly aching for more, when I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around to meet the gorgeous dark blue-green eyes of Nick Pearson.

                “Charlotte? Charlotte Woods, is that you?” He asked, realizing who I was after I turned around.

                “In the flesh!” I answered, grinning.

                “Wow, I barely recognized you. You look great.”

                 A light blush rose to my cheeks, “Thanks.”

                “So, do you, uh, want to dance?” Nick asked.

                I smiled, “Sure. I’ll meet you by the punch table, yeah? I want to talk to Nikki for a minute.”

                “Alright.” He said, smiling, and heading over to the punch table. I turned around to face Nikki, who was grinning like an idiot.

                “He noticed you!” She yelled.

                “Yeah, I know!” I answered, giggling.

                “Well, what are you waiting for? Go dance with him!” Nik said, pushing me towards the punch table.

                I started laughing, “Okay, okay, I’m going!” I walked over to Nick and started pouring myself another glass of punch.

                “Ready to dance?” He asked.

                I took a sip of the punch and smiled, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

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