Chapter 13: And I Love It When Your Hair's Still Wet

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I jumped when I heard my dorm room door fly open, the doorknob hitting against the wall. The noise was followed by Amy's "Shit, Ash!" I rolled my eyes, jumped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around my body and hair.

"What's up, Ash- why do you have your luggage with you?" I said as I walked out of the bathroom and was taken off guard by the suitcase and pillows she was holding.

"Adam Roy was kicked out of his dorm and Nikki let him stay in theirs, therefore I live here now." She explained, laying down her "bed" made with blankets and pillows in between mine and Amy's beds.

I looked at her for a bit, then shrugged, "Whatever." I changed into my uniform, complete with bow tights from Urban Outfitters and a small bow in my-

"CHARLOTTE WOODS, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?" Ashley yelled when I let the towel on my head fall.

"I just...dyed it, that's all." I answered "It's ombre: red to blonde. I think it's cute."

"Nikki is going to flip when she sees it." Ashley muttered. "In a good way, though. She'll think you're becoming more rebellious but it'll only encourage her to take you to more parties."

Shit. I hadn't thought about that.

"I'm going over to 17, if you want to come with." I told Ashley.

"Nope, I don't want to be in the same room as Adam Roy." She said. "I'll just wait for Amy to get out of the shower."

I shrugged, "Suit yourself."


"Knock, knock." I said when I walked into room 17. I spotted Nikki out on the balcony with a cigarette and Adam lying on a bed, watching tv.

"Hi, Charlie!" Eliza called from the bathroom.

"Hello!" I called back. "Hey Adam."

"Hey Char." He responded.

"What're you watching?" I asked, sitting next to him.

"The Today Show, I think. I don't know, that's what it was on and I was too lazy to change the channel." He said. "What did you do to your hair?"

"Dyed it."

"YOU WHAT?" Eliza and Nikki said simultaneously as they ran over to me.

"Yeah, I dyed it." I said.

"Looks cute!" Eliza commented.

"I love it so much." Nikki said, playing with my hair. "And I'm sure Nick Pearsen will love it, too." She winked. I groaned and lay back on the bed. 

"Nick Pearsen?" Adam asked. "He's a dick."

"Look who's talking." Nikki shot back.

"He's sweet, Adam." I said.

"Yeah, whatever."

"So, Charlie, you never told us what happened on your date." Eliza said.

"Elizaaaaa." I whined and put my hands over my face.

"C'mon, Freckles, you have to tell us all about it." Nikki encouraged.

"Yeah, Red, let's hear about that little date of your's." Adam said, sitting up.

"Stay out of it." Nikki snapped at him.

"Oh, c'mon, Nik," Adam whined. "It's not everyday our little Red goes out on a date! I wanna know what happened!" He turned to me, putting on the Adam Roy puppy dog face. "You'll tell me, wont you?"

Nikki rolled her eyes, "Fiiinnneeee," she gave in, flopping onto her bed, ready to listen. "Tell us about your date Char."

"Well, it was kind of awkward," I grimaced. "I wasn't sure what I wa supposed to do..."

"Oh, no!" Eliza cried, a little over dramatically. "You recovered though, right? Awkward dates are the absolute worst."

"Yeah," I smiled, "It got better." 

 "You are telling us nothing!" Adam complained. "What happened?!"

"Well, he asked what was wrong 'cause I was acting so weirdly and I explained that it was my first real date and -"

Nikki cut me off, "What'd you do that for?"

"GOD, NIKKI. Shut up!" Adam shouted, pushing Nikki. "Let the girl talk."

"You know I could kick you out and you'd be sleeping on the streets," Nikki warned angrily, pushing Adam back.

"You wouldn't!"

"I would!"

"Liza wouldn't let you! Would you, Liz?"

Eliza just knocked them both off the bed. I was beginning to understand why Ash was so eager to get out of this room. I wouldn't want to live with this either.

Everyone settled down eventually. Adam and Nikki were still fuming, slightly, but Eliza was sitting between them now, to keep the peace. "Sorry, Freckles," Liz apologized. "We're still adjusting. Adam staying over was a lot easier when they were together. Continue."

I laughed as Adam and Nikki both shifted uncomfortably.

"He was really sweet about the whole thing. He took me to this cute little diner for dinner and he asked me questions about myself-"

"Oh, god. What did you tell him?" Nikki asked, eyes wide.

"Nothing bad."

"So you didn't tell him you'd rather be on a date with Greyson Chance?"

"No," I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, after dinner we saw a movie and he held my hand-"

"How did it feel?" Eliza asked curiously, cocking her head to the side.

Adam turned at stared at her incredulously. "Like a hand?" he offered, sarcastically.

Nikki rolled her eyes, "Eliza and her hand theory."

"Hand theory?" I asked.

"You can tell a lot about a person from their hands-"

Adam turned to me, ignoring Liz, "Red! What happened next?!"

"He brought me home."


"And he walked me to the door."


"And he kissed me goodnight."

All three of them burst out singing at the same time, "CHARLIE AND NICK SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Guuyyyssss," I whined. "Its not like it was the first time or anything."

"WAIT!" Adam screamed, jumping towards me. "It wasn't your first kiss?"

"Of course not! I'm a junior in high school."

"But you're Charlie."

Nikki rolled her eyes. "I have things to do," she said, pulling on her shoes.


"Breakfast with John," she said, unenthused.

"You gonna tell him about me?" Adam teased.

"This-" Nikki indicated Adam's bags- "is not to be spoken of. You-" she pointed to Adam- "are never to tell my boyfriend you're staying here."

**please forgive me for using Drake lyrics as the title

(actually don't it's aubrey graham and aubrey graham is great. i watch degrassi.)


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