Chapter 4: Remind Me Why You Sit Here?

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                “Nikki has class in ten minutes,” I said coming up the table where Eliza was seated. She looked up from the boy she was staring at across the hall.

                I vaguely recognized him as one of Mark’s friends. Huh. Interesting.

                She nodded and turned around from the rest of her dark and gloomy crew, “Think she’ll make it?”

                I bit my lip, “I don’t know but I ran into her AP Literature teacher yesterday and she dropped a few subtle hints about her not coming to class. She never misses that class. She came in last night with an attitude and she left before even I woke up and I had practice this morning, I haven't been able to talk to her yet.”

                Eliza saw something over my shoulder and then turned to me, her grey eyes wide and confused, “She’ll be there.”

                “Wha-“ I asked turning around and finding a familiar blonde head. She was seated at my table with John, the quarterback. Of course.

                But that wasn’t the strange part because every once in a while she’ll turn up at my table but never wearing a turtleneck.

                Given, the turtleneck was red and didn’t even cover the belly button ring she got a few summers ago but it still was a turtleneck.

                I raised an eyebrow at Eliza who merely shook her head as confused as I was, “Don’t ask me.”

                “See you after class? I need some help with my art project.”

                Eliza nodded at me and turned her attention to a girl that I didn’t recognize but that’s probably because of the black eye shadow that covered not only her lids but probably a half of her face.

                “I’ll never understand why your friends with those losers,” said a voice next to me from where I seated myself. I looked for Nikki to see if she had heard but she seemed otherwise preoccupied.

                “Shut up, Alyssa,” I told her harshly.

                She smiled but there was nothing comforting about it, “I mean Eliza and Charlie barely even know how to talk to people. “           

                “You don’t even know them-“

                “Amanda lives in her own little world.”

                I narrowed my eyes at her.

                “And don’t even get started on Nikki,” She hissed, her face rearranging, making her makeup look all wrong. I knew that look had a lot to do with the fact Nikki was practically in John’s lap at the moment.

                I looked for Nikki, again, on instinct and she caught my gaze. She smiled at me but I could feel my face frowning. There was something off about her.

                I stood up and glared at Alyssa, “Shut the hell up, Jackson. Just because we need you as guard this season since Adriana got hurt, doesn’t mean that I will put up with your shit, got it?”

                She rolled her brown eyes but I knew that that had gotten to her. There were only five people that weren’t scared of me and that was one of the many reasons that they are my best friends. 

                She smirked a tiny bit, “Just warn Goth girl, that Alex is Christina’s.”

                “Who?” I asked confused, she motioned her head towards a boy I recognized as the one Eliza had been staring at.

                “What does he have to do with anything?”

                She shrugged, “I watched little Miss Punk Princess staring at him earlier. Just warn her that he’s with Tina and he doesn’t go for girls like her. We don’t want to see him break her heart and get even more depressing then she already is.”

                I bit my lip to stop myself from making a scene and decided to play spiteful. Two can play at this game, bitch.  “I would watch out with Nikki, Aly. I mean wasn’t she the reason John never wanted anything serious with you to begin with? Do you think he’ll even hook up with you now that he’s gotten her? I mean why would he chase the sprinkles if he’s already had the chocolate cake with extra fudge?”

                I caught a glimpse of her face falling and it gave me a great satisfaction but it was only, unfortunately, a second because she then turned murderous.

                But I didn’t stick around long enough to hear what she had to say, I was already going to the gym to find my Mark before class and see what he knew about Alex. 

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