Preparing for the date part 2

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Soon enough it was time for Julia to clock out. She walked briskly out of the library before her supervisor could berate her for earlier. Her cheeks turned bright red at the thought of what happened in the stacks. 'I can't believe those three want me', she thought as she kept walking. Before long she was at her apartment and pulled out her key to get in.

Once heading inside she heads for the bathroom to shower for her date. Her jacket and purse were tossed on her sofa haphazardly.

Twenty minutes later...

Julia gets out of her shower and heads to her bedroom. Since her bedroom is on the second floor she doesn't put the curtains across and just drops the towel and heads for her closet.

Outside the guys are double checking their clothes to make sure they look right. This time Bucky looks up and sees their girl wearing nothing at all; his mouth drops open.

"Ummm guys," Bucky says and points upwards towards the window.

Loki and Steve look at him "What is it?"

They take his hint and look towards the window. Loki turns blue as his lust begins to manifest itself, while Steve discretely adjusts himself. Bucky takes a step forward, but Steve grabs him and shakes his head.

"But she's ours right?" Bucky asks

"Yes she is, but we don't want to all jump on her at once. We need to take our time to court her, then we consummate our relationship on her terms not ours, agreed?" Loki suggests eyebrows raised looking at Steve and Bucky.

"Agreed," Steve and Bucky reply.

"Why don't we go get her some flowers since we have at least a half hour before we're expected?"

Steve and Bucky nod following Loki to the florist that was nearby. The guys walk inside and look around gazing at all the flowers.

"May I help you gentlemen?" a saleslady appears

"Yes we'd like to get a bouquet of flowers for a special young lady, but we're not sure what to get," Loki explains.

"Well roses are a good choice to make a good impression. What colors would you like?" she asks

"Red, blue, green, and silver please," Loki replies.

"Well I'll see if I can get a bouquet done up in those colors of roses," the saleslady says and walks away.

Fifteen minutes later the saleslady appears carrying a beautiful bouquet done in the exact colors that were requested. Loki pulls out his wallet and pays for the flowers thanking the saleslady as they walk out.

"Why can't I give her the flowers?" Bucky questions almost whining

"We are all going to give these to her. These are from all of us not just one," Steve says.

"Then who gets to sit next to her at the restaurant guys?" Bucky asks again

Loki sighs "We'll let her decide alright. Now take a deep breath before we go inside and do us all a favor soldier, do not mention we saw her in her window, got it?"

Bucky nods and looks down ashamedly.

"Its ok Buck you just got a bit excited is all," Steve says soothingly, "We all haven't had a woman in a while, but you know what she'll be loved and cherished by all three of us for a long time."

Bucky smiles "Yes she will and one day maybe there'll be kids.."

Loki nods "Yes soldier, one day, but only when she is ready and we are ready. Children and marriage are a big step, so we won't mention either one yet."

All three agreed not to mention those until their soulmate felt comfortable enough with them.

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