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"It's ok sweetheart," Loki said soothingly putting himself back together.

Steve walked around the sofa and pulled her onto his lap. He rocks her gently and kisses the top of her head.

"To be honest doll you are amazing. We won't make you do anything you're not ready for," Bucky said reaching down to run his fingers in her hair.

Julia lifts her head into his touch, "Really?"

"Yes, really and from what the punk and I just witnessed we can wait for a turn patiently," Bucky breathed.

"From what I can see and feel you two could use some of the same treatment Frosty here just got," Julia admitted biting her lip.

"Only if you want to sweetheart," Steve says.

Julia smiles, "Maybe the next time you pick me up at the library I'll give you two a treat?"

"Sounds like a plan doll," Bucky replies, "When do you work next?"

"Tomorrow wolfy," Julia answers.

"Ok we can pick you up from work and we're assuming you're done at seven?" Steve inquires.

Julia nods and yawns a bit before snuggling into Steve's shoulder.

"I think she's tired," Loki observed," Let's get her to bed."

Steve nods and takes her to her room tucking her into her bed. He turns off the light and closes the door behind him.

"So, we're heading back to our place, right?" Steve asks

"We should get back there so no one sneaks in again," Loki says getting up.

He waves a hand leaving a note for their soulmate before they all three head back to their place.

My mates: The God, The Soldier, and The CaptainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora