Apology part 1

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Bucky was hitting the heavy bag at the gym and soon, tears blurred his vision. He stopped and rested against the bag.

"How could we have been so stupid? She needed us and we let our libidos get the better of us. She was at the house and..." He headed for the locker room and cleaned up.

Half an hour later, he walked into the house and slammed the door. He threw his bag onto one of the chairs before throwing himself on the sofa. Loki poked his head out from the kitchen when he heard the door.

"Everything ok, Bucky?" Loki asked, wiping his hands on a dishtowel.

"No, everything is not ok. We screwed up big time and I don't know how the hell we could ever make this up to her," Bucky grumbled, rubbing his hand through his hair.

"We sent her flowers and candy. Now, all we can do is wait," Loki replied.

"Yeah, you're right, but I just can't help wondering if she's ok," Bucky said.

"I can call Nat to check on her, Bucky, if you want me to," Loki replied and held up their mate's phone. "Guess what she left behind."

"I'm guessing she didn't get a chance to grab it when Nat ushered her out a few weeks ago. Have you looked in her phone?" Bucky asked with a smile. Loki blushed.

"Yes, I did, and I found some very interesting pictures along with stories," he said, handing over the phone.

Bucky began to look through the phone and his eyes widened. His mind started to think of an idea to hopefully make it up to his beautiful mate. He knew she deserved the attention. An idea popped up and he set the phone down, making a beeline for the bedroom. Once inside, he headed for the closet; muttering, he went thru the closet and once he found what he was looking for, he held the box to his chest.

"Perfect," he murmured as he looked into the box.

"Perfect for what?" Loki's voice came over Bucky's shoulder. Bucky jumped a bit when he heard Loki's voice.

"Nothing for you to know about."

"You better not be thinking of doing something dumb, soldier," Loki murmured as he walked out. "I think I'll give Natasha a call to check on our mate."

Bucky made a face at Loki's back before running to the bathroom to clean up. He had to look his best for their mate; she was going to love this surprise.

In the kitchen, Loki rolled his eyes and quickly dialed Natasha. He drummed his fingers on the counter as he listened to the phone ring.

"Hello, Nat. It's Loki. I just wanted to call and see how our precious angel is doing," he spoke into the phone.

"She's doing better, big man. To be honest, she really misses you guys. Even though she was hurt, all she wanted was to be the one you guys turned to," Nat explained.

"We miss her, too, Nat, and we all feel terrible for what happened. Is there anything we can do to apologize for our behavior?" Loki asked her over the phone.

"Well, she did have a few fantasies she told me about. Maybe try one of those," Nat suggested.

While Loki was talking on the phone, Bucky snuck out of the house and made his way to Natasha's. He straightened his jacket and put his hat under his arm; taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. He heard her excuse herself from the phone and then open the door.

"What the hell are you doing here? I'm on the phone with...Does Loki know you're here?" Natasha asked, her eyes wide. Bucky shook his head in denial.

"Put it this way, Nat. I read her fantasies and...umm...I want to try to make one come true." Natasha smiled.

"I'm glad one of you is taking iniative. She feels bad for going off on you guys a few weeks ago, but I see where she's coming from. Next time, go to her or at least explain before you guys do something dumb again."

"We miss her. She's the missing piece in our puzzle and since she's been gone, we've felt like there's been something missing. That thing is her and right now, I plan to fight for her. May I come inside?" Bucky asked.

"Yes, you can. She's in the spare room and don't worry, it's soundproof. So, make all the noise you want. But don't go overboard; she's healed, but just be careful. Ok, Buck?" Natasha implored.

"I promise." Bucky walked inside and headed for the spare room.

Natasha went back to the phone and continued to talk to Loki. She had a grin on her face as she watched Bucky slip into the spare room; being a slight voyeur, she turned on the camera in the spare room.

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