The next morning

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Sunlight shines into the bedroom and hits Loki in the eyes. Out of reflex he waves a hand closing the curtains and yawns before hugging Julia close. He notices Julia is a bit chilled, so he waves his hand pulling the quilt over her.

Bucky is snuggled on Julia's chest hugging her like she was his own personal teddy bear. He smiles in his sleep and hugs her closer when he feels her shiver slightly.

"Mmm," she murmurs and smiles in her sleep.

Two hours later...

Julia yawns and tries to stretch, but finds out she can't. Looking down she sees Bucky's face snuggled into her chest and she smiles running a hand thru his hair. He snuggles in a bit more and kisses her chest in reflex. She moves her head a bit and sees Loki behind her. Experimentally she moves her hips a bit and blushes when she can feel he is very very happy to be in this position.

A soft giggle escapes her lips and wakes Steve who looks over grinning. Steve is happy to see that she's not freaking out in her location and that Bucky had no nightmares that night.

"Umm Steve I need to get up, but I'm sort of stuck. I don't want to wake these two up. Seems like wolfy here has me in a death grip," Julia says quietly running her fingers thru Bucky's hair.

"I have an idea doll why don't you try kissing him? Maybe that'll get him to loosen his grip a bit, it's worth a try," Steve suggested.

"Well, it is worth a try," Julia conceded.

She gently picks up Bucky's face and places a soft kiss on his lips. Before she knows it, he begins to react and kisses her hard prying open her mouth with his tongue. Moans come from her mouth and her hips begin to move towards his as she grips him around the shoulders.

Her moans wake Loki, and he looks over smiling. He chuckles before getting up. Julia pulls away with a smirk. Bucky lets out a whimper at the loss of contact.

"That's enough for now Wolfy," Julia says getting up and making her way to the bathroom.

Bucky sits on the edge of the bed, head in his hands. He takes a deep breath.

"You ok jerk?" Steve asks standing on the other side of the bed.

"Yeah, just need to think of something to get this to go down," Bucky complains.

"Our girl get you riled up," Steve teases.

Bucky blushes not wanting to answer. Loki and Steve burst into laughter.

Julia hears this and walks back into the bedroom. Her eyes open wide when she notices that two of the three are wearing only boxers while Bucky is wearing a tank top as well.

"Are you ok?" Julia asks Bucky as she walks over.

"Yes, I'm ok just a bit..."

She sits on his lap wrapping an arm around his shoulders and nuzzles her nose into his neck.

"Aroused," he whispers and bites his lip," Maybe it would be best if you'd get up doll."

"Fine," Julia says curtly and gets up.

She grabs her bag and goes to the other bathroom slamming the door behind her. The guys jump at the noise.

"Now what did I do?" Bucky asks.

"She thinks you didn't want her near you," Loki explains.

"That's not it. I don't want to scare her with the fact just being near her I'm constantly aroused," Bucky replies.

"Then go tell her that you numbskull before she leaves again," Steve says.

Bucky gets up and goes to the bathroom and knocks on the door. He hears muffled crying, so he goes in.

"Go away!" Julia mumbles

"No, I'm not going away Kotonyk," Bucky says and gathers her in his arms.

She fights him at first, then she settles in his arms. Her cries becoming hiccups.

"I love you sweetheart just as Loki and Steve do. The reason I pushed you away is because I didn't want to fall on you like a sex crazed wolf. I'm willing to wait as are the other two till you are ready for that next step," Bucky explains.

She looks up tears still glimmering in her eyes," Really?"

"Yes really," Bucky replies.

"Sorry I overreacted."

"It's ok Kotonyk. We still love you. This is as new to us as it is to you. We'll work through this together."

He gives her a soft kiss and hugs her.

My mates: The God, The Soldier, and The CaptainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ