CHAPTER 4: Unreasonable Dislike

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It's been one whole month since Michelle first arrived in Seoul and everything has been going relatively well for her. She has become even more closely with Jiyoon and also started interacting more with other staff while some seemed to dislike her for some unknown reason.
Michelle was on her way to get some files as requested by Miss Park when she bumped into Jiyoon. She noticed the sad expression on Michelle's face and couldn't help but ask
"Michelle, what's wrong, you look sad today"
Michelle sighed deeply before starting

"It's nothing  J.J, I am okay"

"Dimples, I know we've only been friends for a short while but I can feel something is wrong with you, so come on now spill it"
  "It's Miss Park, I just don't know what it is I have done for her to dislike me so much, nothing I do seems to be right. She is never satisfied with what I do, She is always complaining and yelling at me for the slightest things, It's just so exhausting to work for someone who hates you for no reason"
  Jiyoon saw how pained and confused her eyes were, She felt very sorry that Michelle had to bear Miss Park's terrible personality

   "It's okay Michelle, I am sorry you've had to bear all this, That Miss Park is just so obnoxious and unbearable, how can she treat you this way, I never really liked her to be honest even though almost all the girls here are sucking up to her just because she is pretty and she wears designer clothing, She has a rotten character "
  Michelle could see that Jiyoon was getting pissed off and it warmed her heart to have a friend like her remembering how much of a traitor her old friend was, she quickly tried to calm her down.

"That's enough J.J, If someone hears you it's gonna be a big problem especially if they tell Miss Park"

  "Whatever! this is just so annoying "
Jiyoon said with an eye roll
"All I can do is hope she gets tired and lets me work for someone else because I don't know how long I will be able to bear her maltreatment besides, Resignation is not an option right now"
  "I hope so too"
  " Well I have to go give these files to her or I will get another earful this evening before I go home "
" Alright then, I'll see you later "
"Okay Mitch "
She quickly left Jiyoon and went to Miss Park's office.

Michelle was about to enter the office when she accidentally overheard Hannah's conversation with her assistant.
  "Where's that Michelle, For God's sake it's been so long since I asked her to bring me some files and it's taking her forever "
Anjao could sense her boss was going to have another fit of anger toward Michelle again

" Ma'am please calm down, She left just a few minutes ago, it hasn't been that long and I'm sure she will be back soon"

  " I can't take this anymore, I just hope Hyunmin comes back on Tuesday because I don't want to keep seeing that girl around me. She should go to work for him since he needs a replacement for his assistant anyways "

  "Ma'am, If I may ask, Why exactly do you dislike Michelle so much"

  "I just don't like looking at her, she looks so strange to me, the way she dresses, the way she talks, her hair, her skin that looks over-tanned.
I just don't like her at all"
"So Ma'am, Can I safely say this is because she is Black?"
"Maybe that's it, I've heard a lot of things about black people, especially the girls "

Michelle felt so hurt and wronged, this was the first time she had ever experienced something related to racism, she never really traveled out of America before so this was very uncomfortable for her. She has always heard of many stories and happenings about racism in America and other countries but to think someone would hate her just because she looks different was something utterly disturbing. 
Michelle was completely furious at this point but she calmed herself and walked in to give Hannah the files pretending she didn't hear anything, Anjao got a hint that Michelle heard their conversation but Hannah didn't seem to care if she heard or not.
It was already 6 pm which was the staff closing time, Jiyoon was telling Michelle her highlights of the day like they always did every time they were walking home when she noticed Michelle wasn't paying attention to what she was saying and she somehow looked angry.
"Hey, Mich, what's up! Why do you look so angry"
Michelle looked at Jiyoon for a brief moment before she asked they sit at a bench nearby and narrated everything that happened at Hannah's office, Jiyoon sighed deeply and held her hand "I don't even know what to say to you right now, To think someone as educated and sophisticated as Miss Hannah could be narrow-minded is something I just can't understand"
"I really can't take any more of this, I am resigning tomorrow itself"
Jiyoon could only sigh and rub on
Michelle's back to pacify her a bit.

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