CHAPTER 11: Going To Busan

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Hi Readers(。♡‿♡。) I have been posting a few chapters so far but I haven't been getting many votes or comments. If you truly like my work please encourage me by leaving a comment and 3 votes for this chapter to let me know how you feel about this book.

Love from Blackish Ivy

Michelle woke up earlier than usual and quickly got dressed to prepare for the trip. She had already packed her luggage by the side of the couch in her living room when she received a call from her boss.
"I'm waiting for you at the entrance of your building, come down quickly"
"Alright, I'm on my way boss"
She took her luggage and went to the elevator to go downstairs.
She got to the entrance and briskly walked out to meet Hyunmin. She looked around for a bit before sighting him across the street standing beside his car.
Michelle walked towards him, when she reached him she halted and took a moment to scan him from head to toe. He was wearing deep blue denim jeans and a jacket with a white T-shirt, white sneakers, and a pair of blue colored sunglasses, the whole look was so perfectly put together and Michelle was stunned out of her wits.
Hyunmin noticed how Michelle stared at him for two minutes straight! Did she forget we were going somewhere? He said to himself.
" You do know we have a plane to catch right?"
"Boss, please permit me to say this but......."
She paused and looked at him again before saying with a smile
"You look like a freaking K-pop Idol! To think you have such a good fashion sense, If you walked on the streets like this you could pass off as Jeon Jungkook or maybe Lee Jae Wook. You look so Handsome!"
Hyunmin was speechless by what she said, None of his staff ever had the confidence to even look him in the eye or act freely around him not to talk of complimenting him because they're always afraid.
"I need to take Fashion lessons from you so I can dress better"
He blinked at her a few times, he didn't know what to say.
"Let's Go or we'll be late"
He opened the car door for Michelle and they both got into the car, they soon reached the airport and boarded the plane.
After spending hours on air they finally arrived. A black car was already waiting for them at the airport in Busan and they quickly got in. They were driving through the city while Michelle got a good view of the street through the car's window. She couldn't hide her excitement and suddenly squealed.
"I can't believe I'm in the Miami of South Korea!"
She clapped her hands happily like a kid who got Candy
"You look very excited Michelle"
"Excited is an understatement Mr. Changhak, I'm ecstatic right now. Everything about Busan is so fascinating and Beautiful and I've always wanted to visit but I never had the chance to"
Mr. Changhak went with them on the trip even though he doesn't do it often, he travels with Hyunmin at times.
"I have so many places I want to visit like Gamcheon Cultural Village, Haeundae beach which is the largest beach in South Korea, and Taejong park Ooh! Let's not forget the mouth-watering food; Daeji Gukbap, Milmyeon, Ssiat Hotteok, and Dong....
"Dongnae Pajeon Green onion pancake, right?"
Mr. Changhak completed the word for Michelle since she had trouble pronouncing it.
"Yes, that's it but Mr. Changhak, Are you from Busan?"
"Yes, My family and I are originally from here but we moved to Seoul when I had my first daughter"
"No wonder you're so good looking, I heard that guys from Busan are very attractive. I'm sure your daughter must be a beautiful girl"
"Daughters! I have Three of them"
"Three!" Michelle exclaimed
"Yes, I will show you a picture of them"
He passed his phone to her from the front seat, Michelle looked at the picture and saw Mr. Changhak, his Wife with their Three beautiful daughters.
She gave a sad smile upon seeing the photo, it was everything she ever wished for but the one thing she never had.
"You're should consider yourself lucky Mr. Changhak, you have a very beautiful family, Some of us didn't get lucky enough to have that"
Hyunmin heard the sad tone in her voice and wanted to ask her but refrained from doing it.
Michelle became awfully quiet which made Mr. Changhak worry a little.
"Are you alright Michelle?"
"Yeah, I am okay"
She gave a fake smile. (。•́︿•̀。)

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