CHAPTER 21: Turning Green

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My friendship with Michelle has greatly improved since the elevator incident, we talked more during office hours and in our free time.
I discovered I had a lot more in common with her than I could ever imagine and it was nice to know that, many of my staffs have already started gossiping about us saying Michelle is trying to seduce me.
I couldn't blame them though because Michelle's sudden transformation attracted a lot of attention, she was  becoming more and more beautiful to me but unfortunately her beauty wasn't for my eyes alone.
I've caught some of the male staff gawking at her when she walks in with me and even the board members can't seem to focus on the meeting when Michelle is in the room.

  Yes! She was getting attention, But the kind of attention that makes my blood boil for some unknown reason

I was busy doing my work as usual on the computer when someone unexpected suddenly barged into my office.
  "Hey Hyunmin! What's up"
My annoying cousin Seungwon who has been living in the U.S for years suddenly popped out of nowhere. He had a habit of showing up unannounced whenever he was in Korea. He especially likes roaming around my company because I am supposedly his favorite cousin.
     "You still haven't learned how to knock yet have you?"
   "I'm so sorry Cous, I forgot to knock again but I really missed seeing the irritated look on your face whenever you see me"
I gave him a stern look but then laughed, he was a crazy one indeed but he was really playful and fun to be around. I had to admit I had also missed his quirkiness.
   "How have you been Seungwon? You suddenly left the U.S to come here, did you do something again"
   "Really? Why do you always have to make me look like a troublemaker? Geez! I just got bored of staying in the U.S so I decided to come back, what's so wrong with that"
    "And you expect me to believe you, I'm sure you remembered what happened the last time you appeared out of nowhere"
    "Please don't remind me of that, I was literally chased all the way from the U.S down here by a crazy chick I broke up with who wouldn't let me rest but It's not my fault women find it hard to forget me"
  "Hmmm, Yeah sure"
Knock! Knock!!
"Excuse me Boss, Can I come in?"
     "Come in Michelle"
Michelle walked in carrying some files in her hands, she was wearing a long sleeve off-shoulder Turquoise blue mini gown with a pearl necklace and black heels.
She walked towards me and placed the files on my table.
  "Here are the files you asked for, Mr Chan just booked an appointment, should I confirm or not?"
I could see Seungwon gawking at Michelle from the moment she stepped in. I knew what that look on his face meant and I didn't like it one bit.
   "Tell him I will see him at noon, 2pm"
   "Alright Sir"
She turned and was about to walk towards the door when she noticed Seungwon, she slightly bowed with a small smile and she left.
    "Holy Mary, mother of Christ! Who was that?"
"She is my assistant"
I replied to him with a frown cause I knew what he was driving at
   "My God! she is drop-dead gorgeous and sexy, exactly my type"
    "Really? Exactly your type, I thought you liked American girls"
     "Well she is American right? And I
especially have a thing for Black girls"
    "Stop exaggerating, she isn't that pretty"
   "Cous you must really be blind to say that, anyway what's her name"
    "Ask her yourself"
  "Give me her number"
I banged my fist on the table, he was really getting on my nerves cause nothing seemed to stop him from chasing after Michelle.
    "Will you freaking leave me alone, go ask her yourself!"
Seungwon froze for a moment but then stared straight into my eyes
   "Is it just me or do I smell jealousy here"
   "What…. Are you…. What the heck are you talking about? Who….Who is jealous"
  I stammered a bit because I got the feeling that what he said was true but I didn't want to believe it.
Seungwon chuckled softly and just shook his head at me.
   "Anyway, I will go look for her office and ask for her name since you've decided not to tell me anything"
With that he stood up from his seat and walked towards the door giving me a knowing smile before leaving.
I walked into my office and sat at my desk, I opened my computer and started going through Hyunmin's schedule for the day when a random thought popped into my head; the guy I saw in Hyunmin's office.
He looked pretty comfortable around Hyunmin so I guessed he could be his friend. I caught him staring at me every now and then but I didn't think much of it, though I had to admit he was very handsome and even dressed like a Kpop idol coming for an interview.
He was truly good-looking but I've had enough time with good-looking guys to know they're always the worst heartbreakers, also he looked very much like a womanizer to me.
  "Come in!"
My eyes widened out of surprise, I mean speaking of the devil, the guy   from Hyunmin's office just walked in.

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