CHAPTER 9: Saving The New Clients Meeting

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Michelle was preparing for the clients meeting that morning, She walked into her boss's office with some files and her tablet
"Sir, The meeting is going to start in………."
   She saw looked at Hyunmin and noticed he looked very troubled
  "Sir, Is something wrong?"
"The new client we are meeting is Spanish and he isn't good at speaking English, his interpreter couldn't make it here as well. We also don't have an interpreter"
  Hyunmin heaved a deep sigh before he continued
  "If we don't seal the deal today, we might lose a project worth millions of dollars"
  Michelle hadn't known him for long but she could say he is someone who is always in control of every situation regardless of the circumstances.
"This must be very serious," she said to herself
Michelle came up with several solutions while pacing back and forth but none of them seemed to make sense until she finally remembered something. She rushed to sit on the chair opposite her boss's desk
"Sir, I think I can help you"
He looked at her with questioning eyes
       "How? "
     "I can speak Spanish fluently so I think I can be the interpreter"
   "Are you sure? "
"Of course I am, I have always loved learning new languages so I am sure I can be of help"
Hyunmin was about to say something else when Mrs. Han walked in
   "Sir, the Clients from Spain have arrived"
  "Alright, tell them I'm coming"
   "Yes Sir"
Hyunmin stood up from his seat and walked towards the door before turning back to Michelle
   "Let's go"
She nodded her head and followed him to the meeting room.
They both entered the room and took their seats. 
"Buenos Dias Señores (i.e Good Morning Sirs)"
  "Buenos Dias Senorita (Miss/Young lady)"
Hi, Michelle Exchanged greetings with the Spaniards before quickly introducing herself as their interpreter.
The marketing team soon started the presentation for their proposal showing various designs and ideas for the building they wanted, Michelle sat closely to them while patiently explaining everything being said to them. They looked satisfied with the ongoing presentation and responded very well through their words which only Michelle could understand.

Hyunmin studied Michelle's interactions with the clients, her movements and gesticulations plus how she explained things showed him how intelligent she is.
  "She has great potential and is very intelligent"
  He said to himself with a wide smile, he was truly impressed by her.
Hannah's face became red from anger even though she was trying her best to stay calm, she saw the way Hyunmin was looking at Michelle and it annoyed her greatly.
  "He never looked at me like this, I hope I don't regret letting her work for him"
She quickly calmed herself again since she didn't want anything embarrassing to happen.
The meeting was coming to an end and only the client's final answers remained, Michelle talked to them a bit more before she suddenly beamed a wide smile. Everyone was looking at her anxiously except Hannah who didn't seem interested in the outcome
"Sir, they liked our proposal and they want us to build their estate here in Seoul"
Everyone gave a round of applause with happy noises, the necessary documents were signed by the clients and the deal was finally sealed officially, everyone greeted the clients with smiles.
They were about to leave when Michelle walked up to them
  "Gracias por darnos esta oportunidad (Thank you for giving us this opportunity)"
   "You are welcome Senora Michelle"
  "Adios Señores "
They shaked hands with Michelle before finally leaving. She turned around to see her boss standing behind her looking with an expression she couldn't explain.
  "Let's go to my office"
  "Yes Sir"
They both entered the office, Hyunmin walked to his chair and gestured for Michelle to take a seat before he began.
   "I'm not someone to get easily impressed but I have to say you impressed me today. If not for you we may have lost this big project, So on behalf of the company and me as the Chairman, Thank you very much, Michelle"
She always perceived him as an arrogant and rude person but she now finally realized she was wrong. He was just very stiff and intimidating but he is genuine and polite.
Michelle smiled before replying
"Sir, I just did what I could to help, It's not a big deal and from now on you can rest assured that I've got your back anytime you need me"
  "I know we got off on the wrong foot but I hope from now onwards we can work together peacefully"
    "Of course Michelle"
She looked at her watch and it was fifteen minutes past eight.
  "Sir, it's already getting late I have to go home now"
She stood from her seat and had already walked to the door when she halted and turned to Hyunmin to say one last thing before she left
"Sir, can I give you a piece of advice"
     "Sure go ahead"
   "I think it would be a good idea for you to learn a foreign language so you won't have any communication problems with any other client in the future because it is always better to speak directly to them than through an interpreter"
  Hyunmin slightly nodded his head in agreement, Michelle was about to leave when he suddenly stopped her
     "Yes Sir" She turned around again
   "Can I drive you home?"
Michelle thought he was being a bit too nice but again maybe he was just trying to repay the favor so she didn't think much about it.
   "Okay Sir, Thank you" (⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)

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